
Circa 21 BBY, while monitoring the viewing area for an arena on Burnout in which prisoners were fed to dangerous creatures, Ta'Veel secretly observed a confrontation between Xirossk and a group of freelance agents from the Cularin system. Overhearing Xirossk entreat the assistance of the freelancers in deserting the Thaereian forces, the Defel notified his superiors on Burnout via a comlink. An alert was subsequently broadcast across the space station that denounced Xirossk as a Separatist terrorist and called for his capture.

Ta'Veel was mentioned in The Air Up Thaere, roleplaying adventure written by Morrie Mullins and Lee Pickler and set with Star Wars Legends continuity that was published by RPGA in 2002 as the second part of the Looking In trilogy of the Living Force roleplaying campaign.

Behind the scenes

Ta'Veel was mentioned in The Air Up Thaere, roleplaying adventure written by Morrie Mullins and Lee Pickler and set with Star Wars Legends continuity that was published by RPGA in 2002 as the second part of the Looking In trilogy of the Living Force roleplaying campaign.



