Talk: Nexus of Power

Sorry to bring this up again, but...

... what do we do with the strictly NuCanon information contained in that book? Shall we create a Lothal/legends article, for example? --LelalMekha (talk) 13:00, June 6, 2016 (UTC)

  • Nevermind, we did make a page. However, the book also mentions the Jedi Temple has become the Imperial Palace, which never happened in Legends. --LelalMekha (talk) 13:11, June 6, 2016 (UTC)

I don't consider these to be Legends sources. I also don't consider them to be canon sources. Not everything is going to have a clear continuity. Some things simply exist in the meta, where they're going to pull from all parts of the Star Wars franchise. We should stop treating Fantasy Flight Games products as having any particular overall continuity. Then, we can look at each release and judge whether the information in it is canon or of it's Legends. In the case of Lothal, that's obvious canon. Look at Ciena Ree too, for example. Fantasy Flight Games created the official image for that character, which was touted on The Star Wars Show and by the Story Group as being the official look of her character. If we treated Fantasy Flight Games as strictly Legends, we'd have to create "Ciena Ree/Legends" for that image—which would clearly be wrong. So let's detach ourselves from the thinking of "Fantasy Flight Games is Legends" or "Fantasy Flight Games is canon," and instead look at the individual information within it so we can use common sense about where that information should go. - Brandon Rhea 14:54, June 6, 2016 (UTC)

  • A case by case basis does make sense. How would you consider places like Bardotta, which was created for TCW but showed up before the reboot? - AV-6R7 15:02, June 6, 2016 (UTC)

For reference (since other people have had questions about this since we made this decision), here is a good example of why FFGs shouldn't be blanket treated as Legends. - Brandon Rhea 03:19, June 9, 2016 (UTC)

  • Us there a line of demarcation though? Stay on Target (Dec. 2014) includes the X-wing (obviously a canon vehicle), but it is clearly the Legends description. Corellian Premier 15:35, June 15, 2016 (UTC)


Should the characters that are mentioned or appear in this for the first time be considered canon? Red Duel 18:19, September 19, 2018 (UTC)


Where's the line drawn? What's the rule for what is canon or legends in this book? --Potsk (talk) 12:19, 31 October 2020 (UTC)
