This is a darkly humorous story telling how the Weequays get "divine" wisdom from a fortune-telling device that bears a strong resemblance to a classic Magic 8-Ball as they try to deal with some of the myriad plots and dangers that fill Jabba's Palace as detailed in other stories from the book.
When their leader, Ak-Buz, is killed, the remaining five Weequays in Jabba's Palace attempt to find the killer. They consult their god, Quay, to discover the killer. The Quay does not reveal the identity of the killer, but informs the Weequays that a bomb has been planted on the sail barge. With the barge departing for the Great Pit of Carkoon, the Weequays only have a few hours to find the bomb and disable it.
When their leader, Ak-Buz, is killed, the remaining five Weequays in Jabba's Palace attempt to find the killer. They consult their god, Quay, to discover the killer. The Quay does not reveal the identity of the killer, but informs the Weequays that a bomb has been planted on the sail barge. With the barge departing for the Great Pit of Carkoon, the Weequays only have a few hours to find the bomb and disable it.