Triton Squad's second commander

The second commander of Triton Squad was a clone stormtrooper conceived from the progenitor genetic template of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Originally hardwired and genetically engineered to become an indistinct clone trooper of the Galactic Republic, he subsequently became a 501st Imperial stormtrooper following the Republic's reformation into the Galactic Empire by the end of the Clone Wars. By the time of the Imperial invasion of the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk, the commander and his squad were assigned to the 501st Legion, an elite division of soldiers under the command of the Supreme Commander, Darth Vader.


During the early period of the Galactic Empire, Triton Squad—including its stormtrooper commander—was deployed with the 501st Legion to the planet Kashyyyk after the Supreme Commander, Darth Vader, discovered that a fugitive Jedi Knight was being sheltered by the local altruistic Wookiee population. The Imperial invasion force was met with heavy resistance from the Wookiees, igniting a battle in which both sides suffered heavy casualties. Shortly after arriving on Kashyyyk, Lord Vader encountered Triton Squad just after they vaporized a company of armed Wookiee warriors. Reporting for duty, the commander and his troopers fervently accompanied the Dark Lord of the Sith during his hunt for the Jedi Kento Marek.

Personality and traits

The Commander of Triton Squad was a male Human clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, and thus stood at 1.83 meters like his genetic template. Bred to be obedient to the chain of command, the Commander was a loyal soldier who carried out orders from the Sith Lord Darth Vader unquestionably, even during situations of extreme uneasiness and distress thereof.


While serving on Kashyyyk, the Commander wore an early version of stormtrooper armor, customized with the notable blue design that the 501st Legion utilized during the Clone Wars. His armor was also equipped with a command pauldron and backpack. He was armed with the standard E-11 blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

The Commander of Triton Squad appeared in the PlayStation 2 and Wii versions of the 2008 video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. He is not seen, however, in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions.



