Triton Squad

Originally, Triton Squad was a military unit of the Republic, comprised of nine clone troopers, one of whom was a clone commander. This squad endured the Clone Wars, the galactic conflict, later transitioning into an Imperial unit serving the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire.


Following the reorganization of the Galactic Republic into the initial Galactic Empire by Emperor Palpatine at the conclusion of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, Triton Squad received orders to eliminate the Wookiees, a species indigenous to the planet of Kashyyyk. A group of Wookiee fighters, headed by Tarfful and Chewbacca, responded with force, and after a short fight, they led the clone stormtroopers into the Shadowlands of their homeworld. The hunters were then ambushed, and the entire squad was killed, resulting in the deaths of all nine troopers, including their clone commander.

A new Triton Squad, consisting of several stormtroopers under the command of a new commander, was established by the time the Empire began its invasion of Kashyyyk. It was sent to the Wookiee home planet as a component of the 501st Legion, an elite division of soldiers under the leadership of Sith Lord Darth Vader. The squad accompanied Vader during the Dark Lord's search for a fugitive Jedi hiding on Kashyyyk during the conflict.


Although most clone troopers had transitioned to Phase II battle armor by the latter part of the Clone Wars, eight of the nine members of the original Triton Squad still used Phase I armor. The original commander of the squad wore a modified version of the Katarn-class armor. Their primary weapon was the DC-15A blaster rifle, the standard issue for clone troopers.

During the Imperial assault on Kashyyyk, the new Triton Squad's soldiers were outfitted with an early iteration of stormtrooper armor. The squad was by then integrated into the 501st Legion, allowing its members to apply the 501st's signature blue markings to their armor. At that point, their standard weapon was the E-11 blaster rifle.

Triton Squad (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS2, Wii))

Behind the scenes

Triton Squad made its debut in Descent, a story featured in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4 of the Clone Wars Adventures series. It was authored by Haden Blackman, who also directed the 2008 video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Triton Squad was present in the Playstation 2 and Wii editions of The Force Unleashed.

