In 6 BBY, the Galactic Empire established an official presence on Garos IV and ended the Garosian civil war. Very enthusiastic, Dair Haslip decided to join the Imperial Army. However some days before entering at the Raithal Academy, he was walking around Garos IV with his childhood friend Jos Mayda when they were attacked by two Imperial scout troopers looking for a deserter. Jos was shot down for no reason and Dair killed them. He related the event to his grandmother, Keriin Haslip, who introduced him to the Garos resistance. Dair was disgusted by the methods of the Empire but the members of the resistance convinced him to enter the academy as a spy.
The timeline placement of this tale was left ambiguous on Charlene Newcomb's original timeline however, from Alex Winger's age at the time of her adoption it could be assumed that this tale takes place in 6 or 5 BBY. The date of 6 BBY was confirmed by The Essential Reader's Companion.