Unidentified Naboo village (OOM-9)

A village loyal to the Royal House of Naboo was located on the planet Naboo near the city of Spinnaker. The village was bordered by a river from its western to its southern side and contained natural resources such as trees, nova crystals, and ore deposits. The structures inside the village included a command center, an aquatic shipyard, processing centers for the resources, power cores, a troop center, and several turrets.

During the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation in 32 BBY, the company attacked the village so that it could be used as a base to invade Spinnaker. The village's inhabitants surrendered and allowed the B1-Series battle droid OOM-9 to use it as he saw fit. The Trade Federation Droid Army constructed additional turrets in the village and faced attacks from Spinnaker and the Naboo Royal Navy, which they were able to push back. The droids then expanded their army by constructing additional military buildings and were ultimately successful in eliminating the resistance of Spinnaker.


Spinnaker, a city to the north of the village

Spinnaker, a city to the north of the village

A village associated with the Human Naboo people was located south of the city Spinnaker on the planet Naboo. It was also east of a base belonging to the Naboo Royal Navy. A river bordered the village, stretching from its western to its southern side. It had three main entrances, with those on the northeast and northwest sides accessible by archways between the village walls. Each archway had two light turrets placed on the inside of the village. The southern area on the eastern side led to an open grassy area full of trees and populated by native fauna such as eopies, fambaas, and kaadu. The southern entrance was blocked by a short wall with a gate accessible by a shallow part of the river.

The surface of the village grounds was paved with bricks. The center of the village hosted a command center and was surrounded by, in clockwise order, a food processing center, two blocks containing six prefab shelters each, an aquatic shipyard on the southwestern part of the river, a light turret, a power core, and a troop center. The shipyard was used to manufacture utility trawlers, which, along with AquaHarvesters, were used to catch fish from the river. The area slightly north of the troop center contained deposits of nova crystals and a nova processing center. The northern area of the village contained a carbon processing center used to store carbon from trees, a power core, and an ore processing center along with deposits of ore. In the village, PKN-49 worker droids were utilized to gather the available natural resources.

After the village later became a base for the Trade Federation Droid Army while they launched the invasion of Spinnaker, the B1-Series battle droid OOM-9 expanded the village's defenses immediately by assigning the PKN-49 worker droids to build two medium turrets and two anti-aircraft turrets along the northern and western walls. They later expanded the military capabilities of the village with at least one airbase, another troop center, and a mech factory.

Captured village

OOM-9's droidekas roll in to take the village.

OOM-9's droidekas roll in to take the village.

The village was loyal to the Royal House of Naboo and its monarch, Queen Padmé Amidala. In 32 BBY, during the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation, OOM-9 targeted the village in order to set up a base from which to invade Spinnaker. The Droid Army advanced toward the village from the south with a force of two Multi-Troop Transports, three Armored Assault Tanks, three manned Single Trooper Aerial Platforms, six heavy droidekas, six baron battle droids, ten Heavy Battle Droids, and ten droid grenadiers. They met resistance at the village from eight royal troopers, who rushed out of the gate to fight, but OOM-9 had the droidekas roll through into the village. In response, the eight worker droids were intimidated and ceased their labor, and a royal trooper announced the surrender of the village and allowed the Trade Federation to use it however they wished, placing all of the village's surviving troopers and worker droids at OOM-9's command. OOM-9 sent the droidekas and infantry troopers to guard the northern gates and had the mechs defend the open southeastern area.

OOM-9 quickly reassigned the worker droids to gather carbon and ore so the army could build more turrets and battle droids. The droids built two medium turrets and two anti-air turrets and used the utility trawlers to gather fish. Spinnaker sent a group to retake the village that included three heavy V-19 landspeeders, four Heavy Champion repulsorcrafts, and two Steadfast tanks. The Naboo Royal Navy also sent four Royal crusaders, three energy pummels, three Naboo energy catapults, and three Tuskcat Troopers. Both groups attempted to penetrate the western entrance, but the droids were able to repel the attackers and worked on expanding their defenses by adding an airbase, another troop center, and a mech factory to the village. Through mining the available nova crystals, the droids were able to build fighters, Armored Assault Tanks, energy pummels, and missile battle droids, the latter of which they spread throughout the village to protect from aerial attacks.

Eliminating resistance

The Trade Federation Droid Army defends the village from the forces of Spinnaker.

The Trade Federation Droid Army defends the village from the forces of Spinnaker.

Spinnaker's next attacking force included eight royal troopers, four heavy Tuskcat Troopers, six heavy V-19 landspeeders, two Champions, and one Steadfast, while the navy continued sending boats, all of which the Trade Federation was able to defeat. OOM-9 sent a group of worker droids to build a turret and a carbon processing center on the road between the village and Spinnaker, using five Droid Starfighters and some infantry troops to protect them. Most of the remaining forces of Spinnaker detected the incursion outside the city walls and were killed in the effort to reclaim it. OOM-9 then repeated that strategy to claim a nova deposit close to the Royal Navy's base and subsequently defeated the Navy using fighters and pummels

The Trade Federation Droid Army was ultimately able to capture Spinnaker, after which they assembled Neimoidian traders to collect nova crystals from both the city's spaceports and from the nearby Trade Federation base commanded by the droid YIN-762. The droids also attacked a trading town north of Spinnaker by assembling an Ocean Troop Transport at the village's shipyard so that it could be ferried to the town. OOM-9 achieved Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's goal of claiming 10,000 nova crystals from the Naboo before moving on to capture the capital city Theed. The Naboo Resistance later held the area where the village had stood, although their territory was overrun in battle with the Trade Federation.

Behind the scenes

The Naboo village was first mentioned in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, released on November 7, 2001. It then appeared in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, released on November 11, 2001. The village appears in the third level of the Trade Federation campaign, "Spinnaker's Spoils," in which the player controls the Droid Army and occupies the village in order to achieve their objective of raising 10,000 nova crystals. At the beginning of the level, the village begins as an opposing civilization called "Naboo Village", but as soon as the player's units approach the village's command center, the village's surviving buildings, workers, vessels, and soldiers switch to the player's control. The player can expand the village by constructing buildings of their choice.

One of the village's anti-air turrets (center-right), which is only present on easy difficulty

One of the village's anti-air turrets (center-right), which is only present on easy difficulty

The Prima Games guide states that a sentry post is present at the southern entrance of the village and that the player should destroy it, but it does not appear in Galactic Battlegrounds. The guide also states that the player risks losing the level if they damage too much of the village at the beginning, as they are placing themselves at a disadvantage by destroying units and buildings that would join their side eventually. It also states that players need to be quick in upgrading their defenses to ensure victory.

Exclusively in the hard difficulty version of the level, the first wave of attackers from Spinnaker and the Naboo Royal Navy are placed outside the western entrance of the village, and they begin attacking as soon as the player takes control of the settlement. In easy mode, the village has two anti-air turrets, one on the western side and the other on the eastern side, that the player acquires once the village surrenders. This article assumes the hard difficulty mode is canonical within the Star Wars Legends continuity.







