An individual was a member of Imperial Sub-Administrator Sly Moore's court. In 3 ABY, the court plotted to assassinate the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Moore traveled to Imperial Repair Sub-Block 7626 on the planet Coruscant where she acquired the specifications of Vader's armor and placed them on a datacard. She then secretly handed the datacard to a Trandoshan member of the court, who in turn handed it to this member. The individual then gave it to a droid who provided it to the assassin droid IG-88, who the court had hired to kill Vader. Moore then summoned the members of the court to Administrative Temple Garden 313A, and the individual expressed concern about the court being seen together, but their concerns were dismissed by Moore. IG-88 then arrived, reporting that he had not been able to defeat Vader and wanted to terminate their agreement. To the surprise of the court, Vader appeared and cut down IG-88. The court then attempted to flee and the individual informed them to run to a nearby temple. After they reached the temple, the court again tried to assassinate Vader, but were defeated.