Unidentified male pit crew member

A human male served as a pit crew member on board an Imperial Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser commanded by Captain Elk as part of the Segra-Milo Imperial patrol. In 5 BBY, the cruiser encountered the Fondor Haulcraft of the rebel Luthen Rael, who provided a false transponder ID that Elk had the crew member check.

The crew member eventually reported back that the ID cleared, but Elk ordered that the Fondor Haulcraft be boarded anyway. Rael then activated his engines, so Elk had the crew member increase the power of the cruiser's tractor beam; however, Rael destroyed the Imperial vessel's forward tractor dish and caused the beam to fail. The rebel then escaped from the Imperials.


The crew member served on board a Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser.

The crew member served on board a Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser.

During the Imperial Era, a human male served as a part of the pit crew on the bridge of a Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser in the Galactic Empire's Segra-Milo Imperial patrol. The cruiser was commanded by Captain Elk and tasked with patrolling the space around the planet Segra Milo, a piracy zone where Partisan activity had been reported.

In 5 BBY, the cruiser encountered a Fondor Haulcraft above Segra Milo. Elk contacted the cruiser's pilot, the rebel Luthen Rael, and requested a transponder ID. Rael stalled and then provided a false ID found by his Fondor Droid Mod, which Elk had the pit crew member run through the system. Elk continued to converse with Rael as they waited for the crew member, ordering the cruiser's tractor beam activated to hold the vessel and then having a boarding team prepared. When the crew member reported that the transponder ID had cleared as belonging to a starship from the Alderaan Trade Alliance, Elk did not have the boarding party stand down, claiming they could use the practice.

The pit crew member served under Captain Elk.

The pit crew member served under Captain Elk.

Once Elk informed Rael that he was to be boarded, the rebel activated his thrusters fully, beginning to pull away from the cruiser. On Elk's orders the crew member increased the tractor beam by five, but Rael then activated countermeasures that launched shrapnel back into the cruiser's forward tractor dish, shredding it. The crew member informed Elk that the tractor beam was failing, prompting the captain to snap back at his subordinate for the obvious remark. Elk then had an air wing launched, but Rael destroyed it and escaped the Imperials.

Personality and traits

The pit crew member had dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair.


The pit crew member wore a black uniform with a black Imperial Navy Trooper helmet.

Behind the scenes

The pit crew member, credited only as "Pit #1," was portrayed by Victor Ali in the television show Andor, appearing in the first season's eleventh episode, "Daughter of Ferrix," which aired on November 16, 2022.



