A mining corporation established a outpost on the planet Codia I's second moon in order to mine diamonds from the massive deposits found on the tidally locked moon's brighter side. At some point between 44 BBY and 32 BBY, a group of burglars destroyed the outpost's power core using a non-incendiary photonic charge while trying to steal a shipment of diamonds. The photonic burst reacted with the primarily accelerite core and cause unusual radioactivity that suppressed the entire light spectrum within the outpost.
Most of the corporation's miners were evacuated to the barracks, but the Defel miner Rosack Denahst was particularly sensitive to the radiation and was driven into a frenzy, killing atleast five of the burglars after the thieves murdered five other miners. The Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent to investigate the darkened outpost, and although Kenobi initially suspected that the corporation may have been too hasty in building an outpost in an unsafe area, the pair were ultimately able to uncover what had happened and repair the core, restoring ligh tot the outpost and Denahst's sanity. In around 0 BBY, Kenobi would reflect on the incident and wrote about the corporation in his journals while sheltering in his home on the planet Tatooine during a sandstorm.
The mining corporation was created for the second issue of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic series which was written by Christopher Cantwell, illustrated by Luke Ross, and published on June 29, 2022.
The mining corporation was created for the second issue of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic series which was written by Christopher Cantwell, illustrated by Luke Ross, and published on June 29, 2022.