Unidentified planet (New Academy for Space Pilots)

A terrestrial planet was located in the galaxy, home to the New Academy for Space Pilots.


During the Galactic Civil War, this planet was affiliated with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. It was the site of the New Academy for Space Pilots, a flight academy commanded by General Oleson. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker attended the academy as a member of the Planetary Pioneers.

The students of the academy were training to fly young men and women to uninhabited planets. There, those smart and talented people would build new colonies, founded on peace, justice, and good will. Some of the colonists would build homes, schools, and power stations. During that time, the Planetary Pioneers were planning to use the powerful Zukonium rays in their power stations. Instead of being used for war and destruction, the Zukonium rays would provide energy for the colonies.

At some point, Princess Leia Organa came to visit the academy and Skywalker told her about the work of the Planetary Pioneers. However, the tour was interrupted by an emergency siren. For unknown reasons, a small moon from a nearby system had been blasted out of its orbit and was on a collision course with the planet. Having no time to evacuate, Skywalker and the Planetary Pioneers boarded their old X-wing starfighters in an attempt to destroy the maverick moon with Zukonium rays. Using the power of the Force, Skywalker was the only pilot able to penetrate the moon's strong magnetic field. He then fired the Zukonium rays at the center of the moon and successfully destroyed it. Skywalker's X-wing was damaged by the explosion, which forced him to make an emergency landing. After his return to the academy, Princess Leia Organa awarded Skywalker a medal of honor for saving the planet.




