The Planetary Pioneers were a group of aviators whose mission was to transport settlers to previously uninhabited worlds for the purpose of establishing new societies.
During its closing centuries, the Galactic Republic dedicated resources to initiatives like the Planetary Pioneers, aimed at encouraging settlement within the New Territories. Consequently, this section of the galaxy demonstrated unwavering allegiance to the Republic, and subsequently, to the Empire.

Sometime after the Battle of Yavin during the Galactic Civil War, Luke Skywalker became affiliated with the Planetary Pioneers on an unspecified world. He underwent training alongside them at the New Academy for Space Pilots, which was under the command of Rebel Alliance General Oleson. The academy's students were being prepared to transport young men and women to previously uninhabited planets where these individuals would establish new colonies founded upon principles of peace, justice, and goodwill. Some of the settlers would construct residences, educational institutions, and energy facilities. During this period, the Planetary Pioneers planned to utilize powerful Zukonium rays within their power stations. Rather than being employed for warfare and destruction, the Zukonium rays would supply energy to the colonies.
Princess Leia Organa visited the academy at one point, and Skywalker informed her about the endeavors of the Planetary Pioneers. However, an alarm interrupted the tour. A small satellite from a neighboring solar system had, for reasons unknown, been dislodged from its trajectory and was headed directly towards the planet hosting the academy. With no opportunity for evacuation, Skywalker and the Planetary Pioneers entered their vintage X-wing starfighters to attempt to obliterate the rogue satellite using Zukonium rays. By harnessing the power of the Force, Skywalker proved to be the sole aviator capable of penetrating the moon's intense magnetic field. He subsequently directed the Zukonium rays at the moon's core, successfully destroying it. The explosion damaged Skywalker's X-wing, forcing him to execute an emergency landing. Upon his return to the academy, Princess Leia Organa presented Skywalker with a medal for his heroic act of saving the planet.

The Planetary Pioneers made their initial appearance in the 1979 children's storybook titled The Maverick Moon, authored by Eleanor Ehrhardt and featuring illustrations by Walter Wright. They received a subsequent mention in the 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, penned by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace.