The Unyielding was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer of the Galactic Empire which was awarded to Colonel Madrighast during the Empire's reign. During the aftermath of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the colonel, from the Unyielding, invited the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing to join his forces. However, while the Star Destroyer attempted to meet with forces under Admiral Rae Sloane, the vessel was met with New Republic forces which deteriorated Madrighast's forces and forced them to take refuge at the planet Chadawa, joining the Chadawan navy.
Months later, the Unyielding and the rest of the Chadawan navy defended Chadawa from the 204th, which sought to wide devastate the planet for going rogue from the Empire. The navy was soon forced to regroup and repair, but eventually returned to fight the enemy fighter wing while it was under attack from New Republic forces led by General Hera Syndulla, engaging both parties. When the 204th then retreated from Chadawa, the Unyielding pursuing the fighter wing's starships. Syndulla's forces attempted to stop the 204th, but Madrighast turned his attention onto her refitted Star Destroyer, the Deliverance. Both destroyers clashed, but the Deliverance ultimately destroyed the Unyielding.
An Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Unyielding was armed with turbolaser and laser cannon batteries along its wedge shaped hull and equipped with engines, deflector shield generator domes and a hyperdrive. The capital ship served in the Galactic Empire under Colonel Madrighast as part of his unit and eventually the Chadawan navy.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Unyielding was awarded to the Imperial Colonel Madrighast around the time his unit and the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing collaborated at the location To'hok Neige. Years later, in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Madrighast, aboard the Unyielding, contacted Colonel Shakara Nuress of the 204th, inviting her to join him and his forces to regroup with the Empire's 108th in the Gordian Reach. Nuress declined and instead invited him to stop at her base of operations. Madrighast's communications cut after two minutes of the conversation.
Around 5 ABY, Madrighast, from the Unyielding, planned to rendezvous with the forces of Admiral Rae Sloane, but was concerned of information of New Republic interdiction blockades. The colonel contacted the 204th, which had suffered a devastating attack which saw the death of Nuress. Madrighast invited the fighter wing's new leader, Soran Keize, to join him in meeting with Sloane's forces and assist his unit against the threat of enemy blockades. The colonel, though, quickly lost contact with the 204th.
The Unyielding traveled to meet with Sloane's forces, but was driven off course by New Republic forces. Madrighast's forces then encountered multiple blockades and after two weeks had sustained great losses. Believing Sloane's force were no longer waiting for him, Madrighast and the Unyielding took refuge at Chadawa, an ancient manmade ocean planet, protected by a cage of mechanic rings, whose government had parted ways with the Empire since the Battle of Endor. Governor Bordanivaux welcomed Madrighast's forces, which joined the Chadawan navy. The Unyielding bore scars from its engagements, having a stub in place of one of its deflector shield generator domes.
Months later, eleven months after the Battle of Endor, Keize and the 204th sought to punish Chadawa for the worlds parting from the larger Empire by destroying all life there. The fighter wing's commander spoke with Madrighast over hologram, listing his intentions. The Unyielding and the Chadawan navy subsequently awaited the 204th in orbit of the ocean planet, hiding behind cage of mechanical planetary rings enclosing Chadawa. The Imperial fighter wing and its support vessels, including its carrier the bulk freighter Yadeez, then engaged the Unyielding and the other Chadawan navy starships. In the meantime, New Republic forces led by General Hera Syndulla arrived in the Chadawa system to hunt the 204th.
A starfighter wing deployed by Syndulla's New Republic refitted Star Destroyer Deliverance engaged the 204th, but the Imperial fighter wing were able to pass through the rings, defeating one of the Chadawan starships. The Unyielding and the other Chadawan navy ships descended deep into the atmosphere of Chadawa and then regrouped to repair at the upper atmosphere on the far side of the planet to the 204th. The Imperial fighter wing ran reconnaissance and strike missions, being cautious of Madrighast's vessels, before beginning to sabotage and bring down Chadawa's satellite rings to bring radiation onto the planet. Intending to rescue Chadawa from devastation, the New Republic forces made attacks on the 204th to stop their operations.
The Unyielding soon redeployed, approaching the position of two 204th Raider-class corvettes being attacked by the New Republic's Hail Squadron. The TIEs of the Imperial fighter wing attacked Madrighast's Star Destroyer, which returned fire on the starfighters. The Unyielding then positioned itself above Hail Squadron and the one remaining Raider-class corvette from their engagement, raining fire on both parties. Multiple Y-wings and the final raider was destroyed. The 204th then began a retreat from Chadawa with the Yadeez and its remaining support vessels, the Unyielding pursuing them.
Syndulla's flagship, the Deliverance moved in to attack the 204th's bulk freighter, but Madrighast's Star Destroyer, which was not maneuverable enough to tail the Yadeez, turned behind the New Republic's destroyer and opened fire on it instead. The Deliverance shared its firepower between both of Syndulla's opponents, and Syndulla reached out to Madrighast, trying to win his side. The Unyielding, though, did not yield, and both Star Destroyers began circling each other, exchanging laserfire. Madrighast's destroyer received a large amount of damage to its combat center, and the 204th's starships escaped into hyperspace.
As the Unyielding continued to fire on the Deliverance, the Syndulla called on the Imperial Star Destroyer to surrender. Madrighast declined her offer, fearing the New Republic would only imprison him and his people. The Unyielding thus accelerated towards the Deliverance on a collision course, firing its weapons. In response, Syndulla had her destroyer divert all power to its weapons and showered Madrighast's vessel with laserfire, destroying its remaining deflector dome. Despite losing function of its weapons, the Unyielding continued to advance as enemy fire tore through its hull, shredding the Star Destroyer apart and killing all aboard.
The Unyielding was first mentioned in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the first volume of Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy. The Star Destroyer later appeared in the third volume of Freed's trilogy, the 2021 novel Victory's Price.