
Madrighast was a male colonel in the military of the Galactic Empire who commanded the starship Unyielding. In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Madrighast, whose forces had been greatly weakened during Operation: Cinder, planned to regroup with the 108th in the Gordian Reach. He contacted Colonel Shakara Nuress of the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing to offer her to join him and the 108th. Nuress declined, revealing that her forces were forming a base of operations and offering Madrighast a chance to resupply at that base. Madrighast soon lost contact with Nuress. Around 5 ABY, the colonel planned to rendezvous with Admiral Rae Sloane's forces and contacted the 204th's new commanding officer, Soran Keize, although Madrighast's message experienced interference and eventually cut out.

Gathering forces

During the Galactic Empire's era, Madrighast served as a colonel in the Imperial Military, leading his own unit. He at one point served with the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing at To'hok Neige, and was eventually awarded his own Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Unyielding. Following the death of the Galactic Emperor at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Madrighast took part in Operation: Cinder, a contingency plan put in place as a result of the Emperor's death. Madrighast experienced some troubles during the operation, leaving his forces weakened. Over a month later, Madrighast planned to rendezvous with the Empire's 108th at the Gordian Reach. He first reached out to Colonel Shakara Nuress, the commanding officer of the 204th, who he was acquainted with but had only heard rumors of since Operation: Cinder.

Having only two minutes before communications were to be cut, Madrighast and Nuress briefly discussed the latter's isolation from the rest of the Empire. Madrighast then insisted that Nuress join his forces in meeting with the 108th. Nuress, though, expressed her suspicions that Madrighast's forces were not in shape for battle. She further revealed that she and her fighter wing were consolidating a base of operations at the planet Pandem Nai. Surprised, Madrighast wished Nuress good luck with her her base of operations. Nuress claimed her base of operations would be able to supply a portion of the Imperial Navy and offered Madrighast to stop by and restock. Madrighast asked what she had found, to which she stated it was somewhere to make a stand. Madrighast then lost communication as the two minutes ended.

On the run

Around 5 ABY, Madrighast was attempting to rendezvous with Admiral Rae Sloane, who had taken official command of the Imperial Navy, but grew concerned about information of enemy interdiction blockades along hyperlanes. To bolster his forces he contacted the 204th again. The fighter wing had since suffered an attack at Pandem Nai, which saw the death of Nuress. Madrighast sent a message offering an invitation to the 204th to again join him in rendezvousing with Sloane's fleet. The colonel's message reached the 204th's new leader, the field promoted Colonel Soran Keize. Keize watched the message, which was interrupted by interference and subsequently cut. The acting colonel ultimately chose not to pursue Madrighast's offer.

Madrighast was unable to make the rendezvous with Sloane's fleet as he was driven off course by New Republic forces. Encountering multiple enemy blockades, his forces were cut off from reaching their destination and mounted starship losses within two weeks. The Unyielding bore damage of its own, having to put a stub in place of one of its Deflector shield generator domes. Giving up hope that Sloane's forces were still waiting for him, Madrighast struggled to find any places willing to give his unit refuge until he came across the Chadawa system, home to the man-made ocean planet Chadawa. Governor Bordanivaux of Chadawa, who had split her world from the larger Empire, offered to take in Madrighast's forces, which subsequently joined the Chadawan navy.

Clash of forces

That year, the 204th, which had found Sloane's forces, carried out a string of genocides as part of a second Operation: Cinder ordered by their new superiors. After attacking three worlds which had separated itself from the Imperial loyalist forces, the fighter wing targeted Chadawa. Madrighast chose to defend the system from destruction from the 204th. However, he and his forces were destroyed by General Hera Syndulla and the New Republic Star Destroyer Deliverance during the battle at Chadawa.

Personality and traits

A male individual, Madrighast was insistent that Shakara Nuress joined him in regrouping with the 108th and was surprised by her decision to not reach out to him and as well as her establishment of a new base of operations.

Behind the scenes

Madrighast first appeared by voice in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the initial installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy which was written by Alexander Freed.


















