
The Unyielding, a vessel belonging to the Galactic Empire, was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. This ship was bestowed upon Colonel Madrighast during the reign of the Empire. Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the colonel, operating from the Unyielding, extended an invitation to the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing to integrate with his forces. However, as the Star Destroyer attempted to link up with forces under Admiral Rae Sloane, the vessel encountered New Republic forces. This encounter weakened Madrighast's forces, compelling them to seek refuge on the planet Chadawa, where they joined the ranks of the Chadawan navy.

Some months afterward, the Unyielding, alongside the Chadawan navy, mounted a defense of Chadawa against the 204th, who aimed to devastate the planet for its defection from the Empire. The navy was soon compelled to reorganize and repair, but ultimately returned to engage the enemy fighter wing while it was under assault from New Republic forces commanded by General Hera Syndulla, thus battling both sides. Subsequently, when the 204th withdrew from Chadawa, the Unyielding pursued the fighter wing's starships. Syndulla's forces tried to intercept the 204th, but Madrighast shifted his focus to her refitted Star Destroyer, the Deliverance. A clash ensued between the two destroyers, but the Deliverance ultimately prevailed, destroying the Unyielding.


The Unyielding, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, featured turbolaser and laser cannon batteries arrayed along its wedge-shaped hull. It was also equipped with engines, deflector shield generator domes, and a hyperdrive. This capital ship served within the Galactic Empire under the command of Colonel Madrighast as a component of his unit and later became part of the Chadawan navy.



From the Unyielding, Madrighast invited Shakara Nuress to join his forces with the 108th.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Colonel Madrighast of the Empire was given command of the Unyielding. This occurred around the time when his unit and the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing were working together at To'hok Neige. Some years later, in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Madrighast, aboard the Unyielding, contacted Colonel Shakara Nuress of the 204th. He invited her to join him and his forces to regroup with the Empire's 108th in the Gordian Reach. Nuress declined, suggesting he stop at her base. Madrighast's communications ended after two minutes.

Around 5 ABY, Madrighast, from the Unyielding, intended to meet with the forces of Admiral Rae Sloane, but was worried about reports of New Republic interdiction blockades. The colonel contacted the 204th, which had suffered a devastating attack resulting in the death of Nuress. Madrighast invited the fighter wing's new leader, Soran Keize, to join him in meeting with Sloane's forces and help his unit against enemy blockades. However, the colonel soon lost contact with the 204th.

The Unyielding set course to meet Sloane's forces, but was diverted by New Republic forces. Madrighast's forces encountered multiple blockades and, after two weeks, had suffered significant losses. Believing Sloane's forces were no longer waiting, Madrighast and the Unyielding sought refuge at Chadawa, an ancient manmade ocean planet protected by mechanical rings. Its government had left the Empire since the Battle of Endor. Governor Bordanivaux welcomed Madrighast's forces, which joined the Chadawan navy. The Unyielding showed damage from its battles, with a stub where a deflector shield generator dome had been.

Defending Chadawa

Soran Keize sought to wipe out Chadawa and its defenders, including the Unyielding.

Some months later, eleven months after the Battle of Endor, Keize and the 204th aimed to punish Chadawa for leaving the Empire by destroying all life there. The fighter wing's commander told Madrighast his intentions over hologram. The Unyielding and the Chadawan navy waited for the 204th in orbit of the ocean planet, hidden behind its mechanical rings. The Imperial fighter wing and its support vessels, including its carrier the bulk freighter Yadeez, then engaged the Unyielding and the other Chadawan navy ships. Meanwhile, New Republic forces led by General Hera Syndulla arrived in the Chadawa system to hunt the 204th.

A starfighter wing deployed by Syndulla's New Republic refitted Star Destroyer Deliverance engaged the 204th, but the Imperial fighter wing passed through the rings, destroying a Chadawan ship. The Unyielding and the other Chadawan navy ships went into Chadawa's atmosphere and regrouped to repair on the far side of the planet from the 204th. The Imperial fighter wing ran reconnaissance and strike missions, cautious of Madrighast's ships, before sabotaging Chadawa's satellite rings to bring radiation onto the planet. To save Chadawa from destruction, the New Republic forces attacked the 204th to stop their operations.

Duel with the Deliverance

The Unyielding soon redeployed, approaching two 204th Raider-class corvettes being attacked by the New Republic's Hail Squadron. The TIEs of the Imperial fighter wing attacked Madrighast's Star Destroyer, which returned fire. The Unyielding positioned itself above Hail Squadron and the remaining Raider-class corvette, firing on both. Multiple Y-wings and the last raider were destroyed. The 204th then retreated from Chadawa with the Yadeez and its remaining support ships, with the Unyielding in pursuit.

Hera Syndulla ordered the destruction of the Unyielding

Syndulla's flagship, the Deliverance moved to attack the 204th's bulk freighter, but Madrighast's Star Destroyer, unable to tail the Yadeez, turned behind the New Republic's destroyer and fired instead. The Deliverance split its fire between Syndulla's opponents, and Syndulla tried to persuade Madrighast to her side. The Unyielding did not yield, and the Star Destroyers circled each other, exchanging laserfire. Madrighast's destroyer took heavy damage to its combat center, and the 204th's ships escaped into hyperspace.

As the Unyielding continued to fire on the Deliverance, Syndulla called on the Star Destroyer to surrender. Madrighast refused, fearing imprisonment by the New Republic, despite Syndulla's assurances that his Imperials would be treated fairly. The Unyielding accelerated towards the Deliverance on a collision course, firing its weapons. Syndulla diverted all power to weapons and showered Madrighast's ship with laserfire, destroying its last deflector dome. Despite losing weapons, the Unyielding advanced as enemy fire tore through its hull, destroying the Star Destroyer and killing all aboard.

Behind the scenes

The Unyielding was first mentioned in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the first book in Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron series. The Star Destroyer later appeared in the third book of Freed's series, the 2021 novel Victory's Price.

