A military detachment belonging to the Imperial Navy was under the command of Colonel Madrighast during the time of the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Endor, Colonel Madrighast and the troops he commanded took part in Operation: Cinder, an event that diminished the strength of his forces. Madrighast then tried to link up with the 108th at the location known as the Gordian Reach, and proposed an alliance with the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. This proved unsuccessful, so Madrighast, together with his remaining forces, attempted to meet with Admiral Rae Sloane and her assembled fleet, but they were prevented from doing so due to New Republic blockades and the loss of several starship assets.
Eventually, Colonel Madrighast and the soldiers under his command, including those aboard the ISD called the Unyielding, sought sanctuary on Chadawa. This planet had broken away from the remaining territories of the Galactic Empire, creating its own independent remnant government. Madrighast and his unit were involved in the battle at Chadawa, fighting against both the New Republic's Barma Battle Group and the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, which remained loyal to the Empire. This battle ended in defeat for Madrighast, leading to the complete destruction of his unit.