Hi, I'm Ayrehead02, an administrator of Wookieepedia and a member of the Inquisitorius, AgriCorps, and EduCorps review boards. My main focus on the Wiki is in-universe canon content, although I've been around long enough to know my way around Legends pretty well also. You can usually find me working on the articles for film extras or props such as the vitally important Hobin Carsamba, but I'm partial to articles on anything scum and villainy related, food, creatures or weird aliens.
My primary piece of advice to new editors is that you become a regular on our Discord channels, as it's the best way to get to know most of the most active members of the community and get fast answers to any questions you might have. If you're looking to contact me the I can be found on Discord much of the time (although as a Brit my sleeping hours might not quite match up with most of you) and prefer to chat with people there, otherwise my talkpage is always open.
I've managed to acquire a fair amount of Star Wars source material over the years and am happy to aid anyone who needs access to sources they lack. For now I've listed below a few of the harder to find sources that I most frequently receive requests for info from, most of which are obscure publications found only in England or Europe. I'll most likely fill out more of the list in time, but for now, if a source isn't on there by all means ask if I have it anyway.
I've managed to acquire a fair amount of Star Wars source material over the years and am happy to aid anyone who needs access to sources they lack. For now I've listed below a few of the harder to find sources that I most frequently receive requests for info from, most of which are obscure publications found only in England or Europe. I'll most likely fill out more of the list in time, but for now, if a source isn't on there by all means ask if I have it anyway.