Vex Major


Vex Major was a terrestrial planet located in the Vex system. It lay within the Inner Moddell systems area of the Moddell sector, one of the subsectors making up the Inner Zuma Region within the Outer Rim Territories' Zuma sector. Along with the rest of the Vex system, the planet was linked by hyperlanes to the Vasha system as well as the Firrerre system in the Sugai sector.

Vex Major's local year lasted 299 local days, each of which was twenty standard hours long. It had standard gravity, a breathable Type I atmosphere, and a temperate, albeit stormy, climate. Vex Major was a swampy world, the terrain of which also included forests and oceans.


A sect of the Order of the Ffib settled Vex Major four decades prior to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, which began in 25 ABY. The descendants of those original colonists remained deeply religious by the time of the reign of the New Republic and insisted that Vex Major should instead be referred to as Far Gent. At the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the planet was inhabited by clans of sturdy, insular Human fishers, the population of which numbered 250,000 individuals.

Although the inhabitants of Vex Major had access to space-level technology, including a limited spaceport, and imported and exported foodstuffs to and from off-world, they had little interest in the matters of the New Republic beyond basic trading. The spacer inhabitants of the Vex system's asteroid belt derogatorily referred to the Vex Major natives as "mudballers."

Behind the scenes

Vex Major was first mentioned in the article "Endor and the Moddell Sector," which was published in the ninth issue of the Star Wars Gamer magazine on February 22, 2002. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square H-16.

