Vharn's father

A male individual was a miner from the mining planet Sorgal 12. By 3 ABY, they had become the father of the human Vharn, and the miner was enslaved along with Vharn's sister by the Galactic Empire after it took over Sorgal 12. Vharn had been off-world at the time and, in order to free his family, joined the Rebel Alliance as an engineer.

In 3 ABY, Vharn hoped to ransom his family from the Empire by betraying the Rebellion and giving the Empire plans for a deflector shield generator that could withstand an orbital bombardment. While being transported to the Alliance by the bounty hunter Beilert Valance, the engineer informed the hunter about the Empire's enslavement of his family and his hopes to liberate them. Before they reached the Rebellion, Vharn's betrayal was uncovered by Valance, who killed the engineer. After providing the Alliance with Vharn's intel, the hunter instructed that half of his payment be sent to ransom the engineer's family.

Vharn's father was mentioned in "Two Sides to Every Sortie," a comic story written by Ethan Sacks and published by Marvel Comics as part of the one-shot comic Empire Ascendant 1, which was released on December 18, 2019.

Behind the scenes

Vharn's father was mentioned in "Two Sides to Every Sortie," a comic story written by Ethan Sacks and published by Marvel Comics as part of the one-shot comic Empire Ascendant 1, which was released on December 18, 2019.



