Sorgal 12

Sorgal 12 was a small terrestrial planet that held the twelfth orbital position in its star system. A mining planet, Sorgal 12 was inhabited by humans. The Galactic Empire occupied the planet during its reign, enslaving the miners.

The engineer Vharn, a native of Sorgal 12 who had been studying at an academy off-planet, joined the Rebel Alliance after his family was enslaved, but later realized that the Rebellion did not prioritize saving his planet, and hoped to betray them to the Empire in order to ransom his family's freedom. The bounty hunter Beilert Valance, who had been hired to transport Vharn by Rebel Alliance operative Han Solo in 3 ABY, killed the engineer after learning of his treachery, preventing him from revealing information about rebel contacts, including Valance himself. When delivering Vharn's schematics to the Rebellion, Valance requested that half his payment be sent to ransom Vharn's family on Sorgal 12.

Sorgal 12 was mentioned in "Two Sides to Every Sortie," a comic story written by Ethan Sacks and published in the one-shot comic Empire Ascendant 1 by Marvel Comics on December 18, 2019.

Behind the scenes

Sorgal 12 was mentioned in "Two Sides to Every Sortie," a comic story written by Ethan Sacks and published in the one-shot comic Empire Ascendant 1 by Marvel Comics on December 18, 2019.



