Vishar Koss

Vishar Koss was an Ovissian representative of the planet Krystar in the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. After discovering that the planet's regent, Queb, had constructed a compound housing clone trooper prisoners captured by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, she contacted her friend Senator Padmé Amidala. Amidala undertook a mission to Krystar alongside Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his troopers, during which Koss and Amidala discovered that Queb intended to sell the clones to Trandoshans.


The Ovissian Vishar Koss served as a representative of her homeworld, the Galactic Republic–aligned planet of Krystar, during the Clone Wars. She was a longtime friend of Padmé Amidala, Republic senator of the planet Naboo. In 22 BBY, Koss learned that the Confederacy of Independent Systems was transporting captured clone troopers to Krystar and holding them in a secret compound that the local regent, Queb, had recently constructed near the Krystar palace. Fearful of crossing the regent, Koss did not investigate on her own, but provided the intelligence to Amidala. The senator embarked on a mission alongside Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and several of his forces.

Landing on Krystar under the guise of a diplomatic mission, Amidala and Kenobi were met with suspicion by Regent Queb, who had not cleared such a mission. Koss approached, covering for Amidala by claiming that she had invited the senator to investigate Krystar's agriculture issues. Queb begrudgingly allowed Amidala to stay, but demanded she remain within the palace. As the regent departed, Amidala asked if Queb was typically so disagreeable, and Koss confirmed that he was. The deception allowed time for Kenobi's troopers to perform reconnaissance on the compound, confirming that it was a prison for clones and that Queb was collaborating with Separatist forces. At the same time, Koss accompanied Amidala as she discreetly spied on Queb, learning that the regent had been selling the prisoners to a Trandoshan to be hunted. Amidala informed Kenobi, who ordered his troopers to move on the compound and rescue the prisoners.

Koss assisted Amidala during the Republic's mission to Krystar.

Koss assisted Amidala during the Republic's mission to Krystar.

When the Trandoshan learned of the prisoners' escape and confronted Queb, the regent accused Amidala. The senator urged Koss to head for her Eta-class shuttle, but the Trandoshan attempted to attack the pair. Kenobi emerged from the shuttle and pushed the Trandoshan away using the Force, allowing Koss and Amidala to board the starship. As the shuttle departed from Krystar, Koss feared that she would be unable to return home with the regent present, but Kenobi assured her that additional Republic forces were on their way to apprehend Queb. Aboard the ship, Koss watched as Kenobi promised that he would not allow the clones to be fodder and that he would fight for all of the Republic's allies in the war. Later that year, troopers Clone Commander Cody and Boil recounted the events on Krystar to their comrade Commander Wolffe during a battle on the planet Hisseen.

Personality and traits

Out of fear of Regent Queb, Vishar Koss was unwilling to investigate the Separatist activity on Krystar without help, and was concerned that she could not return home after exposing his actions. However, she was willing to speak her true thoughts on Queb to Senator Amidala—her close friend, whose skills and influence within the Galactic Senate Koss was confident in. The Ovissian had green skin, long red hair, and black eyes.


When meeting Amidala on Krystar, Koss wore a blue dress with a black stripe, as well as a black choker around her neck. She also wore a gold headpiece and had gold bands on her arms.

Behind the scenes

Vishar Koss appeared in the third issue of the Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales comic series, written by Michael Moreci and published by IDW Publishing on August 5, 2020, featuring in a flashback story illustrated by Valentina Pinto.



