The Vor-cal Feast was held before the day of the Vor-cal annual hunting safari.
When House Melantha hosted the Vor-cal prior to the Battle of Endor, the feast was held in the grand hall of House Melantha Orbital Hunting Lodge. On that occasion the following was on the menu.
- Mon Calamarian seafood finger foods
- Stuffed Plavonian starfish
- Raw Rockfish twists
- Grilled sea cucumbers in a blanket
- Algae-bread
- Duros ale
- Coruscant blush wine
- Bothan brandy
- Mistwater imported from Barnaba
- Ukian Torbull tail soap
- Neonan red cheese
- Freshly baked bread
- Fresh greens from Barnaba
- Coruscant red wine vinaigrette
- Roasted Rodian Karstag with algae-bread stuffing
- Baked Corellianpotatoes
- Steamed Verdian vine beans