A Question of Survival

title: "A Question of Survival"

The third episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, titled "A Question of Survival," was initially broadcast on National Public Radio on February 28, 1983. This episode provides an adaptation of the events from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back that transpire on the icy planet of Hoth. The narrative focuses on the rescue operations for both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, as well as the discovery of Echo base due to the actions of an imperial probe droid.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

General Rieekan is shown in Echo Base, supervising the commencement of the rescue mission. Princess Leia joins him as they observe the opening of the base's shield door, allowing the snowspeeders belonging to Rogue Flight to depart. Inside their makeshift shelter, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are awake and attempting to establish communication with the base. Upon receiving a comm signal from Rogue Two, who has successfully located the homing beacon carried by Han, they realize that help is on its way. At the base again, the medical droid named Too-Onebee is attending to Luke's medical needs. His recovery is progressing rapidly, thanks to his time spent in a regeneration tank, enabling him to return to active duty shortly. Luke is first visited by Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio, followed quickly by Han and Chewbacca; all of whom express great joy at seeing him. Threepio voices his concerns regarding a peculiar energy signature detected by the base's recently installed network of warning sensors. Leia then arrives, and Han attempts to flirt with her once more. In response, Leia gives Luke a lengthy kiss as a welcome back gesture. She then proceeds to the command center, leaving Han feeling irritated and Chewie amused.

In the command center, General Rieekan is in discussion with Leia about the unidentified signal, and soon joined by the others from Luke's room. A controller picks up an audio signal which Threepio does not recognize but suspects to be an imperial code. Han offers to go out with Chewbacca to investigate; Rieekan orders speeders to fly in close formation nearby. Han and Chewbacca spot a droid hovering across the landscape, immediately recognizing the potential danger. Han decides to engage the droid immediately, rather than waiting for the speeders to arrive. Chewbacca creates a diversion, allowing Han to fire upon the droid. The droid quickly self-destructs, confirming its identity as an imperial probe droid. Rieekan and Leia make the decision to initiate the base's evacuation without delay.

Far off in space, Darth Vader is seen walking through a starship, with the sounds of crew members working audible in the background. He approaches Admiral Ozzel and inquires about the status of the search for the Rebel forces. Ozzel responds confidently, stating that the search is progressing ahead of schedule; however, Vader expresses his impatience due to the lack of tangible results. While Ozzel argues that more ships are necessary, Captain Piett interrupts with crucial information. Ozzel attempts to dismiss him, but Vader insists on hearing what the captain has to report. A probe droid has located a piece of heavy equipment within the desolate Hoth system. The droid was swiftly destroyed, indicating a possible attack. Ozzel disregards this as just another unsubstantiated lead, but Vader, through his connection to the Force, is convinced that it is the location of the Rebel base. He commands Ozzel to direct the fleet to Hoth and instructs General Veers to prepare his Stormtroopers for a ground assault adapted for the cold climate.


"A Question of Survival" follows the narrative of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back with great accuracy. The beginning, which depicts the launch of the Rogue Flight speeders, represents the only entirely original scene (the radio dramas consistently refer to "flights" rather than "squadrons" of fighters). Some additional dialogue shows Ozzel trying to put Piett in his place, bringing more development to the rivalry between the two officers. Luke and Leia's kiss lasts fourteen seconds, far longer than in the film.


