Abso Bar Binks

Abso Bar Binks was the offspring of Jar Jar Binks.


The father of Abso frequently attempted to bring gifts to his son and wife at their home. However, due to the Galactic Empire's established checkpoints, he often failed. This situation motivated Abso to enlist in the Rebel Alliance. He mastered combat using both Gungan-style weapons and hand-to-hand techniques. Subsequently, he became a member of the crew aboard the Tantive V.

Abso Bar Binks disguised as Princess Leia Organa.

While pursuing Princess Leia Organa, Darth Vader successfully captured the Tantive V, which had been intentionally deployed as a decoy vessel to provide the princess with additional escape time. The moment the stormtroopers opened the hatch, Abso, cleverly disguised as Leia Organa, launched a smoke grenade of Gungan make and then skillfully utilized his unarmed fighting abilities to neutralize several of the stormtroopers. Only after Darth Vader declared that the individual was not the ambassador did Abso reveal his true identity by removing the disguise.

Initially, Vader thought he was facing Jar Jar himself. However, Abso swiftly corrected him. While evading blaster fire and continuing to subdue stormtroopers, he engaged in a dialogue with Vader. Abso asserted that the Empire's victory was impossible due to the unbreakable spirit of the Gungans. Vader responded by mentioning that a certain "shriveled little green man" had shared a similar belief, implying that Abso's sentiment was not as profound as he perceived. Abso retorted that Vader could never comprehend the powerful emotions associated with family. It is plausible that this incident, among other minor occurrences, triggered a subtle stirring of Anakin Skywalker within Darth Vader, causing him to lament the loss of his wife and (as far as he knew) his unborn child.

Subsequently, Vader instructed the stormtroopers to thoroughly search the ship for the ambassador. Once they departed to carry out his orders, Vader seized Abso in a Force grip, demanding the location of the stolen plans. Upon the stormtroopers' return, reporting that they had only discovered unarmed Gungans aboard, Abso informed Vader that Leia was not on the ship. He explained that the Tantive V was a diversion to facilitate Leia's escape, and his sole mission was to delay them, a mission he had successfully accomplished.

Abso Bar Binks being Force gripped by Darth Vader.

Although the stormtroopers desired to eliminate Abso, Vader commanded them to confine him with the other Gungans, deeming them unworthy of the blaster fire required to kill them. A stormtrooper promptly informed Vader of the location of the Tantive IV, prompting Vader to redirect course towards it, leaving the Tantive V to drift aimlessly. An hour later, Leia was under Imperial captivity, but Abso's actions proved valuable. He secured sufficient time for Leia to dispatch R2-D2 to Tatooine carrying the Death Star Plans, which ultimately led to its destruction.

Behind the scenes

Abso Bar Binks makes a sole appearance in the story Tantive IV, featured in the Star Wars Manga: Black edition of Tokyopop's Star Wars Manga. Initially released in Japan, these narratives were considered to have "fuzzy" continuity by Lucasfilm. They have since been re-released in English within the United Kingdom under the Infinities banner, thereby categorizing the material as non-canonical.

