Age of Republic - Padmé Amidala 1

Age of Republic - Padmé Amidala 1 represents the eighth individual comic within the canon comic book anthology series known as Star Wars: Age of Republic. This comic was penned by Jody Houser, visually brought to life by Wilton Santos alongside Cory Smith, and brought to the public on March 6, 2019 through Marvel Comics.

Publisher's summary

SENATOR AMIDALA EMBARKS ON A DANGEROUS DIPLOMATIC ENDEAVOR! In secrecy, PADMÉ endeavors to integrate a neutral world into the Republic's alliance. Could this be a genuine offer of alliance, or is it yet another elaborate trap set for the outspoken Senator? Furthermore, will her decision to decline the assistance of the JEDI prove to be a fatal miscalculation?

Plot summary

On Coruscant, inside the Senate Building, Anakin is walking alongside Padmé Amidala, who is secretly his wife, and questions her certainty about embarking on her upcoming diplomatic mission without him, given her status as a target. Padmé clarifies that she cannot be constantly accompanied by a Jedi protector, and while she desires more time together, their respective duties take precedence while the Republic remains at war. Inside a secluded chamber, they enjoy a private moment, only to be interrupted by Moteé, one of Padmé's handmaidens, who announces the ship's readiness for departure. Anakin attempts to fabricate an explanation for their encounter, but Padmé reveals that Moteé is aware of their relationship, prompting Anakin to suggest continuing their conversation upon her return from Duro.

En route to the ship, Moteé inquires about Padmé's deception in telling Anakin that she was headed to Duro, to which Padmé explains that Anakin tends to be overprotective and maintains close ties with the Chancellor. Given the Chancellor's explicit stance on neutral worlds—deeming them irrelevant unless they are allies or enemies—Padmé has kept her true destination confidential. As they board the ship, Padmé acknowledges the risk she's undertaking but believes it's justified if they succeed in bringing another system into the Republic. In the cockpit, Padmé takes over piloting duties from Dormé, citing her desire to assume responsibility in case of any complications while navigating hostile territory. Later, while the ship cruises through hyperspace, Moteé privately asks Dormé about her awareness of Anakin, and Dormé responds that Padmé isn't particularly discreet, and Anakin is even less so, which might explain why they get along so well. As handmaidens, their role sometimes involves safeguarding Padmé's secrets, and they can't begrudge her these rare moments of happiness.

Upon arriving at the planet Clabron and landing on a designated platform, Padmé grows uneasy, sensing that something is amiss due to the absence of a welcoming party and the lack of any transmissions. Padmé instructs her handmaidens to brace themselves for a potential trap, and as they descend the ship's ramp, they notice a man inside the nearby building. Padmé introduces herself and explains that Grand Master Stin requested her presence, but the man simply orders them to leave immediately, asserting that there can be no Republic presence. Suddenly, Moteé is struck in the shoulder by a sniper's bullet fired from the roof, prompting Dormé to swiftly react, defending Padmé and returning fire at the shooter. While Dormé provides covering fire, Padmé tends to Moteé and escorts her to safety inside the building's entrance, out of the sniper's line of sight. The man, identified as Second Minister Tarmin, reluctantly grants them entry after Padmé persuades him to allow them to seek medical attention for Moteé, leading them to a med bay. Inside, they observe another patient receiving care, and Tarmin reveals that Grand Master Stin was shot and severely wounded by an assassin while awaiting Padmé's arrival. Stin instructs his medical droid to attend to Moteé instead of himself, and informs Padmé that many of his people preferred to remain neutral in the conflict, but knowing that the Republic would be more forgiving of a neutral world, he knew which side to choose. Grasping Padmé's hand, Stin uses his final words to implore her to prove that his faith in the Republic was not misplaced.

Following the Grand Minister's death, Second Minister Tarmin assumes leadership and immediately criticizes Padmé for her arrival on Clabron, blaming her for Stin's demise. Padmé empathizes with him, acknowledging their shared role as politicians, and asserts that not all politicians are motivated by personal gain, though she suspects he might be. She continues by expressing her desire for the war to end and for a galaxy where systems are not coerced into choosing sides out of fear. She recounts her extensive career in public service, first on Naboo and subsequently in the Galactic Senate, where she has consistently advocated for peace to alleviate suffering throughout the galaxy. While she has faced threats before, her dedication to serving the greater galaxy is not universally appreciated, and this war deeply wounds her. Nevertheless, she remains steadfast in her belief in the Republic's ideals and its accomplishments, having dedicated her life to it, and she is confident that the Republic will emerge stronger and united. This speech resonates with Tarmin, who begins to see Padmé's perspective and agrees to collaborate with her, allowing them to address the issue of the assassin on the roof. Shortly thereafter, Padmé and her two handmaidens exit the building and approach their ship, prompting the sniper to take aim, but the real Padmé ambushes the assassin from behind and shoots her, as the figure below was merely Tarmin acting as a decoy. With the situation resolved, the assassin, Lis Mohles, is taken into custody aboard Padmé's ship, as she is wanted by the Republic on numerous charges. Padmé speaks with the new Grand Minister, Tarmin, who states that while he cannot guarantee he will make the same decisions as Stin regarding the conflict and won't fight, there are other avenues of support they can offer and will discuss further. After shaking his hand, Padmé says that all they ask for is a chance - a chance to prove that their hope for a better galaxy isn’t unfounded.



  • UPC 759606091980; March 6 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00111; Cover A; Paolo Rivera 00121; Cover B; Guru-eFX, Mike McKone 00131; Cover C; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00141; Cover D; Iain McCaig

