Ahsmar was a male pilot of a starfighter, fighting for the Alliance to Restore the Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War.
The Rebel forces discovered that an Imperial convoy was amassing close to Orron III, headed towards the Death Star. In response, a combined force was dispatched to destroy the convoy, consisting of Y-wings from both Red and Gold squadrons, as well as a X-wing from Blue Squadron. Ahsmar participated in the mission as a member of Red Squadron, alongside Captain Keyan Farlander and Tan'tro.
While Ahsmar and Tan'tro were fighting against escorting Assault Gunboats, Farlander requested their help in eliminating a freighter. In their eagerness to assist, both Y-wings abandoned their engagement with the Imperial fighters, only to be destroyed by the Gunboats, resulting in the pilots' deaths.
Commander Lagrane, Farlander's briefing officer, temporarily removed him from duty while an official investigation into the incident took place. Eventually, he was allowed to return to active service, but only after receiving a warning and being required to spend time in the flight simulators for additional training.