Battle of Orron III

The Battle of Orron III transpired in the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War, occurring around the time the Death Star I battlestation was nearing completion.

Following the Alliance to Restore the Republic's capture of the Imperial slave freighter named Toral, information retrieved from its data logs revealed a planned rendezvous with an arms convoy forming in proximity to the planet Orron III. The freighters The Tone and Uhuru along with the corvette group [Hyko], had already gathered and were getting ready to depart for the Death Star I, but the Rebel forces arrived. Subsequently, every vessel present was annihilated by Y-wings from Red Squadron and Gold Squadron and X-wings from Blue Squadron.

Keyan Farlander, piloting a Y-wing as Red Two within Red Squadron, committed an error leading to the demise of two fellow pilots; as a result, his superior officer Commander Lagrane placed him on leave pending a formal investigation of the event. He was eventually reinstated to active service, but with a formal reprimand and a required period of refresher training in flight simulators.

