Rescue of enslaved Wookiees

In the year 1 BBY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic undertook a salvage operation, aiming to liberate enslaved Wookiees. These Wookiees were being moved from Kashyyyk to contribute to the building of the Death Star aboard the Imperial BFF-1 bulk freighter named Toral.


During 1 BBY, the Alliance's forces liberated two Rebel fighter pilots. These pilots had managed to break free from the Stars' End penal colony located on Mytus VII. They brought vital intelligence: a vessel transporting enslaved Wookiees was en route from Kashyyyk toward a clandestine Imperial military construction site. The Alliance then formulated a rescue strategy, with the dual goals of freeing the Wookiees and uncovering details about the Empire's ongoing construction. Captain Samuel Raider, one of the escapees, was selected to command the operation. He chose his fellow escapee, Toalagar, and Captain Keyan Farlander to join him, forming a squadron composed of three T-65 X-wing starfighters hailing from Red Squadron.

The battle

Upon exiting hyperspace, the Rebel pilots encountered the transport ship, specifically the BFF-1 bulk freighter known as Toral, which was being guarded by a contingent of six Imperial Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings, a dozen TIE/LN starfighters, and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer called Intrepid. The Assault Gunboats moved to engage and Toalagar, designated as Red Two, was killed by a concussion missile on the first pass. Raider and Farlander eliminated the Star Wings and moved to engage the TIE fighters which had remained with the Toral.

After Farlander analyzed the freighter to verify the presence of the Wookiee cargo, two BTL Y-wing starfighters from Gold Squadron appeared. Their mission: to cripple the freighter using ion cannons. Subsequently, Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport Rescue 1 arrived, initiating a boarding action. Meanwhile, the Intrepid dispatched reinforcements, targeting the Rebel shuttle. The Rebel fighters valiantly defended against the Imperial forces, allowing Rescue 1 to successfully complete the boarding and jump to hyperspace with the rescued Wookiees.


Documents retrieved from the Toral indicated that it was scheduled to meet a larger convoy in the vicinity of Orron III before continuing to the construction site. In a later operation, Rebel forces obliterated the convoy, hoping to impede construction efforts. Simultaneously, Alliance Intelligence sought to gather more details about the project's nature. The Rebels eventually discovered that the construction project was, in fact, the Death Star, a powerful space station armed with a superlaser capable of obliterating an entire planet.

Behind the scenes

This conflict was first depicted in the 1993 LucasArts computer game Star Wars: X-Wing, specifically within the second mission of "Tour of Duty II: The Great Search," titled "Rescue Wookiee Slaves."

