Aida sector

The Aida sector was situated in the eastern part of the Mid Rim. Looking from the galactic south in a clockwise direction, it shared borders with the Noolian, Maerdocian, and Daalang sectors, as well as Lannik Space. Within the confines of this sector lay both the Aida system and the Lomabu system.


During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Aida system, although not heavily populated, demonstrated strong support for the Galactic Empire, with Io Desnand in the role of Imperial Governor. The Lomabu system, which included six planetary bodies, was the original homeworld of the Lomabuan sentient species. The Lomabuans were determined to be rebellious towards the Empire, resulting in the entire planet's population being removed. In 3 ABY, Governor Desnand established a prison facility on Lomabu III, where he incarcerated hundreds of Wookiees. Desnand intended to entice members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic to the planet in order to rescue the Wookiees, at which time Desnand would activate a trap. His plans were thwarted when the Wookiee bounty hunter Chenlambec freed the Wookiees and implicated Trandoshan hunter Bossk in pelt baiting.


  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)
  • Essential Atlas Extra: Sectors of the Mid Rim on (backup link)

Notes and references
