Airlock 8

Airlock 8, situated on the border of the Fortress Inquisitorius' defensive perimeter, was a sizable room. This airlock featured a pool of water, above which was a balcony. This balcony held consoles manned by stormtroopers, and also included a blast door that opened into a corridor leading to the central areas of the Inquisitorius headquarters, along with an access walkway that extended partway across the airlock.

In approximately 14 BBY, during his covert undertaking to re-establish the Jedi Order, Cal Kestis, a Jedi Knight, entered the Inquisitorius fortress via Airlock 8, surfacing into the submerged airlock. Following his triumph over a group of stormtroopers and scout troopers commanded by a Scout Trooper Commander within Airlock 8, the Jedi received help from BD-1, his droid partner, to hack and unlock the blast door on the balcony, revealing a KX-series security droid in the adjacent corridor. Kestis battled through the opposition, and continued further into the Imperial installation.

