
The AirStraeker served as an attack craft for the Chiss throughout the period of the Swarm War. During the Battle of Tenupe, a squadron of these AirStraekers saw action.

This droop-winged aircraft, the AirStraeker, was equipped with maser beam emitter fans mounted beneath its wings. These weapons discharged a spread of maser beams onto their designated target. A lone pilot occupied the AirStraeker, controlling the craft from behind a control stick situated inside the canopy.

On Tenupe, the Killik forces, commanded by Jaina Solo and Zekk, launched an assault against the landing Chiss AirStraekers; however, at least one squadron endured and promptly engaged in the conflict. Jaina defended against their assaults, which devastated kilometers of jungle and resulted in the deaths of numerous Killiks. Piloting a StealthX starfighter, Zekk pursued and eliminated the remaining AirStraekers high above the battlefield.

