
Akure, alternatively called the Beast of Darkness or the Ghost in the Darkness, was a Sithspawn brought into existence by the Sith Emperor of the re-established Sith Empire during the era preceding the Great Galactic War against the Galactic Republic. Resembling a massive rancor with four tusks and grey-black skin featuring cracks that revealed a magma-like material, the Emperor unleashed Akure into the subterranean caverns of Dromund Kaas, where it sustained itself for many years by consuming both the dark side of the Force and the unfortunate individuals who dared to trespass on its territory. By 3642 BBY, Akure had grown to be easily three times as tall as a typical Human and possessed the ability to leap vast distances with ease. Ultimately, the then-Grand Champion of the Great Hunt was tasked with assassinating Akure as a rite of passage into the Mandalorian warrior society; the bounty hunter engaged and defeated the Sithspawn within the Lair of the Ghost, located beneath Dromund Kaas.

