Alif, formerly a male Human Sith Acolyte, existed during the Cold War era, a period of conflict between the reconstituted Sith Empire and the Republic. During this conflict, Alif's time at the Sith Academy was marked by failure, due to his fear of the dark side, leading to his reputation as a weakling. He had intentions to abandon the academy, but his plans were disrupted when he became a witness to an "unauthorized murder" committed by Esorr Kayin. Terrified by what he saw, Alif was warned by Kayin to remain silent about the incident, under threat of death for his potential betrayal. Alif reluctantly agreed, but he was ultimately betrayed when he was falsely accused of the murder and subsequently interrogated by Inquisitor Zyn.
Overseer Harkun tasked one of his students with aiding Zyn in the interrogation process. After being subjected to Force lightning by the interrogators, Alif was compelled to reveal that Esorr Kayin was the actual perpetrator of the murder.
Players have the option to inflict torture on Alif using Force lightning, which results in the accumulation of dark side points, or they can choose to gently persuade him to confess, which leads to the acquisition of light side points. Following this, players can suggest to Zyn that Alif should be protected by keeping him confined in the prison cells until Kayin's master addresses the actions of his apprentice, through neutral or light side dialogue choices. As an alternative, the player can propose that Zyn request guards to provide protection for Alif. Regardless of the chosen course of action, Alif will later send a message to the player indicating that he has been sent to Dromund Kaas to serve under a female Darth. If Alif was kept in the cells, his message will indicate that he testified against Esorr Kayin. If he instead received protection from the guards, he will mention that in the mail.