
Alimet served as a Flight Officer within the Imperial forces and formed a friendship with Maarek Stele.


Alimet belonged to a tightly knit group of comrades that included fellow pilots Carith, whom his friends called "Grommet", and Ketcher. Typically, these three served together on various assignments. During an assignment aboard the Nebulon-B Frigate Fogger, the group encountered a new recruit named Maarek Stele, who would eventually rise to become a renowned pilot and one of the Empire's most notorious figures. Alimet took an immediate liking to Maarek, and the four pilots frequently spent their free time together. The four would later cross paths again while serving under Vice Admiral Thrawn in the Pakuuni system aboard the Nebulon-B2 frigate Ludwick. Sometime between their service on the Fogger and their time on the Ludwick, Alimet's ship was destroyed in battle, but he managed to eject in time, avoiding serious injury.

Alimet's third and final encounter with Stele took place under more somber circumstances. During the development phase of the TIE Defender prototype, Alimet and Stele were reunited while serving under Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin. It was during this time that Alimet shared the news that Ketcher had died and that Grommet had defected to the Alliance.

Personality and traits

Alimet's height was comparable to that of Maarek Stele. He possessed dark hair, bushy eyebrows, and eyes that were constantly blinking and darting about.

