A [female](/article/gender) [human](/article/human) named **Alyria** was a follower of the [Path of the Open Hand](/article/path_of_the_open_hand) [cult](/article/religion), journeying through the [Galactic Frontier](/article/galactic_frontier) to spread their beliefs when the [cult's demise](/article/night_of_sorrow) occurred on the [planet](/article/planet) [Dalna](/article/dalna) in [382 BBY](/article/382_bby). In the time between the Path's ending and approximately [381 BBY](/article/381_bby), she was among the few Path members that [Marda Ro](/article/marda_ro), the [Evereni](/article/evereni) [pirate](/article/pirate) leader and former Path member, sought out. Accepting Ro's proposition to join her [organization](/article/nihil), Alirya was brought aboard Ro's vessel, the _[Gaze Electric](/article/gaze_electric)_, to be shown the [Great Leveler](/article/great_leveler), a unique [entity](/article/nameless). Alirya quickly ascended to the role of Ro's [aide](/article/aide).
Circa [379 BBY](/article/379_bby), Alirya, Ro, and two other individuals serving Ro witnessed the Leveler consuming a [Jedi](/article/unidentified_jedi_(marda_ro)). Later, Alirya engaged in conversation with Ro within the _Gaze_'s [throne room](/article/throne_hall). At a point no earlier than 379 [BBY](/article/%27aby-bby%27_dating_system), Alirya was present when [Fori Nagor](/article/fori_nagor), a [Twi'lek](/article/twi%27lek) raider, presented captured refugees to Ro. Subsequently, Alirya and Ro, alone in the throne room, discussed the future direction of Ro's group and Ro's objectives. When Ro located the Evereni siblings [Vika](/article/vika_faer) and [Velya Faer](/article/velya_faer) during her [search](/article/marda_ro%27s_hunt) for others of her kind, Alirya stood beside Ro during their initial meeting and prepared [sustenance](/article/foodstuff) for the three Evereni.
Believing her position to be in danger due to the [Faers](/article/faers), Alirya attempted to assassinate Vika with a [stiletto](/article/dagger) during a feast on the _Gaze_ a few days later. However, her attempt failed, and she was instead killed by the Evereni woman. Ro avenged Alirya's demise by shooting Vika with a [sidearm](/article/blaster). Now without Alirya, Ro offered the human's former position to Vika's brother, who reluctantly accepted. In [recordings](/article/marda_ro%27s_journal) for her [descendants](/article/ro_family), Ro later reflected on her time with Alirya, which her great-great-grandson [Marchion Ro](/article/marchion_ro) had listened to by [252 BBY](/article/252_bby).
## Biography
### Early life and joining Marda Ro
alt="Alirya was a member of the Path of the Open Hand. (members pictured)"
Alirya was a member of the Path of the Open Hand. (members pictured)
Around [394 BBY](/article/394_bby), Alirya, a [female](/article/gender) [human](/article/human), joined the [Path of the Open Hand](/article/path_of_the_open_hand) [cult](/article/religion) by [382 BBY](/article/382_bby). As part of her service to the Path, she journeyed to the [Galactic Frontier](/article/galactic_frontier) to disseminate the cult's doctrines. As a result, she was absent during the [Night of Sorrow](/article/night_of_sorrow), which occurred on the Path's [home world](/article/homeworld) [planet](/article/planet) [Dalna](/article/dalna) in 382 [BBY](/article/%27aby-bby%27_dating_system) and led to its downfall. Unaware of the Path's destruction, Alirya persisted in her mission.
Following the Path's collapse, Alirya was one of the few remaining members found by [Marda Ro](/article/marda_ro), an [Evereni](/article/evereni) and former member of the Path, by [381 BBY](/article/381_bby). Ro fabricated a narrative about the Path's demise, positioning herself as the focal point of Alirya's faith and aspirations. She then presented Alirya with the choice to join her band of [pirates](/article/pirate)—who would later become the [Nihil](/article/nihil)—or to cease any Path-related activities. Alirya accepted Ro's offer, becoming the sixth member of the group.
After joining, Ro brought Alirya onto her [starship](/article/starship), the _Gaze Electric_. Onboard, Ro revealed the [Great Leveler](/article/great_leveler), a [Force](/article/living_force)-consuming [creature](/article/nameless). Ro explained that they were now guardians of the Leveler, tasked with safeguarding it so that it could one day return and eliminate the [abusers](/article/jedi_order) of [the Force](/article/the_force) in the future. Ro also stated that there was no longer a religion to share or a story to tell [the galaxy](/article/the_galaxy), and that survival was the only thing that mattered. Alirya quickly became Ro's trusted second-in-command and secretary, remaining on the _Gaze Electric_ to identify opportunities and plot the group's course, rather than participating in raids like most other members.
### Death of a Jedi
Around [379 BBY](/article/379_bby), Alirya was on the _Gaze_ when Ro returned in a [transport](/article/shuttle) with a severely injured [Jedi](/article/unidentified_jedi_(marda_ro)) lying in the hold. As instructed, Alirya and two of Ro's other subordinates—[Rox](/article/rox) and [Milan Stor](/article/milan_stor)—boarded the transport and observed the [Jedi](/article/jedi)'s body. Shocked to see Ro covered in the Jedi's [red](/article/color) [blood](/article/blood), Alirya inquired about Ro's well-being, which Ro confirmed. Ro ordered them to take the Jedi's body to the _Gaze's_ [medical observation room](/article/unidentified_medical_observation_room), where the Leveler was contained behind a [containment field](/article/containment_shield). Ro deactivated the shield and watched as the Leveler transformed the Jedi into a lifeless, [stone](/article/stone)-like husk, but Alirya immediately averted her gaze.
Ro returned the Leveler to the medical observation room and proceeded to the _Gaze's_ [throne room](/article/throne_hall). Alirya followed Ro and found her sitting on her [seat of power](/article/throne), staring at her bloodied reflection in a [holographic mirror](/article/holo-mirror). Alirya interrupted Ro, who yelled at her to leave. Ro ignored her until Alirya referred to Ro as "the Mother," a title held by the Path's [previous leader](/article/elecia_zeveron). Angered by the comparison, Ro attempted to claw Alirya's face, only to discover that Alirya was kneeling far away from her.
Alirya then informed Ro that Stor had set a course for the _Gaze_, but Ro was no longer focused on her. She remained silent, listening to the voices of [spirits](/article/ghost_(folklore)) calling out her name until Alirya's echoing scream brought her back to reality. With tearful eyes, Alirya offered to care for Ro, but Ro refused, ordering her to sit with her. Alirya crouched in front of Ro's throne for some time before eventually leaving. Ro then tore down the banners decorating the hall to paint a large red [sun](/article/star) on the wall.
### Further service to Ro
alt="During her time serving Ro, Alirya had seen the Great Leveler (pictured) several times."
During her time serving Ro, Alirya had seen the Great Leveler (pictured) several times.
At a point in time following [379 BBY](/article/379_bby), Ro's subordinates raided a refugee camp. Finding no valuable possessions, they instead captured the refugees. Alirya was present when [Fori Nagor](/article/fori_nagor), a [Twi'lek](/article/twi%27lek) and one of the raiders, presented the refugees to Ro, who was angered by the act. She inquired whether any of the captured refugees were [Force-adept](/article/force-sensitive), and while awaiting an answer, Alirya knelt beside Ro.
Receiving no response, Ro threatened the refugees, and a [green-skinned man](/article/unidentified_green-skinned_man) confessed to being Force-sensitive. Ro announced that the refugees could either join her group or be dropped off at the next [space station](/article/spaceport), and threatened Nagor to never repeat such an action. Nagor removed all refugees except the green-skinned man, leaving Ro, the man, and Alirya in the throne room. Ro then ordered the man to follow her and led him to the Great Leveler.
Following the incident with refugees, Ro took the _Gaze_ away from known systems and had her group remain hidden for a period of time after two members of Nagor's [crew](/article/fori%27s_team) died in a firefight. At some point during that time, Alirya brought [beverage](/article/tea) to the Evereni while she was sitting on her throne. Alirya questioned her about her objectives, and the purpose of the group that she had assembled, which had grown significantly since Alirya joined. Surprised by Alirya's inquiries, Ro explained that her plan for the group was to take whatever they wanted until they could do anything they wished and reminded Alirya that her personal goal is [locating](/article/marda_ro%27s_hunt) other Evereni. She also added that the group is no longer the Path, but something new and different.
### Meeting the Faers and death
Later, Ro located the Evereni siblings [Vika](/article/vika_faer) and [Velya Faer](/article/velya_faer), who had stopped to refuel at a [space dock](/article/unidentified_space_dock) near the [gas giant](/article/gas_giant) [Siquay](/article/siquay). Ro invited the [Faers](/article/faers) aboard the _Gaze_ and met them in the throne room. After the raiders [Esstrop](/article/esstrop) and [Kortanio](/article/kortanio) escorted the pair into the hall, Alirya walked over to Ro and stopped next to her, right by her throne, where she remained during of the encounter. Ro invited the Faers to dine with her, and Alirya prepared [provisions](/article/foodstuff) for the three Evereni—thin slices of meat and boiled [cereal](/article/grain) with a rich sauce and a chemical spice similar to [Dalnan pepper](/article/dalnan_pepper)—based on Ro's preferences.
alt="Alirya died in the throne hall of the Gaze Electric. (pictured)"
Alirya died in the throne hall of the Gaze Electric. (pictured)
As Ro and the Faers ate, Alirya brought them a clear [spirit](/article/liquor) and gave Ro concerned looks. After eating, Vika and Ro sparred. Once they stopped fighting, Alirya rushed to Ro and pressed a cloth against a wound on Ro's arm that she had suffered while sparring. The Faers brought up their interest in having a drink, but Alirya didn't acknowledge the siblings and kept taking care of Ro, reluctantly stopping only once the Evereni instructed her to do so. While she was bringing the Evereni siblings the liquor they had requested, Vika called Alirya a pet and Ro corrected her that Alirya is as important as she makes herself, which made Alirya gaze at Ro.
The Faers remained aboard the _Gaze_ for the next few days and accompanied Ro's marauders on a raid. Upon their return, a feast was held in the throne room to celebrate their safe return. Ro ate apart from the others on her throne, but Vika Faer came to sit with her. While the two talked, Alirya approached Faer from behind and stabbed her with a [dirk](/article/dagger). She then backed up with the dagger in her hand and the Evereni swiftly turned around and grabbed Alirya by her neck and wrist. While Alirya kicked her in defense, Faer rose to her full height and lifted the human off the floor. She snapped Alirya's wrist and dug her claws into her neck, making Alirya cry out in pain. The Evereni then dropped her dead body onto the throne hall's floor
### Legacy
Ro was shocked by Alirya's death. In retaliation, she retrieved a [firearm](/article/blaster) from a hidden compartment in her throne and shot Faer, declaring that Alirya belonged to her. Ro reflected on her statement about Alirya's importance being determined by her own actions, realizing that it had motivated Alirya's attempt to murder Faer. Having lost her constant companion, Ro offered the position to Velya Faer. Although enraged and somewhat distrustful after Ro killed his sister, Faer accepted the offer and claimed Alirya's former position by Ro's side. Soon after, Alirya's body and that of her killer were both removed. Later, Ro spoke extensively about Alirya in [communications](/article/marda_ro%27s_journal) she recorded for her [successors](/article/ro_family) and emphasized the importance of preserving her name. By [252 BBY](/article/252_bby), Ro's great-great-grandson [Marchion Ro](/article/marchion_ro) had listened to her journal during his youth, including the entries mentioning Alirya.
## Personality and traits
alt="Alirya devotedly served Marda Ro. (pictured)"
Alirya devotedly served Marda Ro. (pictured)
Alirya was utterly devoted to Ro, viewing her in a similar light to the Mother, the Path's leader, and even once addressing her as "the Mother." She had faith in Ro and desired nothing more than to care for her, becoming concerned when Ro was wounded or unwell. Alirya was desperate to remain by Ro's side, resorting to attempted murder when she perceived Vika and Velya Faer as threats to her position.
Despite her youth, Alirya craved responsibility. Ro, seeing a reflection of herself in Alirya, granted her request, providing her with what she herself had never possessed. Alirya often grew frustrated when Ro deviated from Alirya's plans to pursue leads on other Evereni, but ultimately obeyed Ro despite her frustration.
Despite abandoning the Path to join Ro and her pirates, Alirya struggled to fully let go of her past beliefs. Even years later, she felt that Ro and the raiders were lost, as they no longer spoke of the Force or the Path. The human girl was slender with reddish-brown hair resembling dried human blood. She had cut her hair short during her time serving Ro, styling it into spikes. Her small, blunt [incisors](/article/tooth), like her nails, were ill-suited for cutting flesh. Alirya's touch was cold, a quality that Ro missed by the time she recorded the message for her descendants.
## Skills and abilities
Alirya possessed skills in plotting courses, familiarity with star maps, and strategic planning. She also knew how to prepare food.
## Equipment
Alirya wielded a dagger in her attempt to kill Vika Faer.
## Behind the scenes
Alirya appeared in a flashback in the short story "[A Closed Fist Has No Claws](/article/a_closed_fist_has_no_claws)," penned by [Tessa Gratton](/article/tessa_gratton) and featured in the [2023](/article/2023) young-adult anthology _The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life_, part of the _Star Wars: The High Republic_ multimedia project. In an interview, Gratton mentioned her desire for the scene of Alirya and Vika Faer's deaths to serve as a climatic moment in the story. He also added that they wanted it to be brutal, and was glad when notes on the first submitted draft of the story asked if the scene could be made more violent.
content="A Closed Fist Has No Claws — The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life (and audiobook) (First appearance) (In flashback(s))"