Amar Cros

Amar Cros was a Human male who served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight. He lived during the closing years of the Galactic Republic.


Amar Cros, a Force-sensitive Human of the male gender, underwent training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to learn the ways of the Force. After successfully completing his Trials of Knighthood, he was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. Subsequently, Cros began an independent study of the Jedi Consular path, specifically focusing on the role of the diplomat.

In 47 BBY, the native species inhabiting the planet Nyriaan initiated an uprising against the off-world settlers. These settlers then requested assistance from the Jedi Order. Consequently, the Jedi High Council dispatched Cros with the goal of brokering a truce between the two factions, with the hope of quickly resolving the conflict. Despite his diplomatic skills, Cros could not bring the conflict to an end until 43 BBY. During his time among the Nyriaanans, Cros grew fond of their culture and spirit, and after the truce was established, he declined to return to the Council or Coruscant. Instead, Cros was designated as the Jedi Watchman for the planet, as the Council believed that having an envoy present would be beneficial in case another conflict arose in the future.

Seven years afterward, the natives revolted once more, and this time Cros was at the head of their rebellion. The High Council branded him as rogue, but chose not to send any other Jedi to subdue him. The conflict eventually concluded in 30 BBY with the Luire Accord, which led to the establishment of a new planetary government known as the Nyriaan Concord. Cros assumed the role of leader of the native delegation to the Concord, but he found the political body to be both corrupt and inadequate. Disgusted, he soon departed and ventured into the unexplored regions of Nyriaan, accompanied by a substantial number of native followers.

Personality and traits

Despite embracing the culture of the native Nyriaanans, Cros continued to adhere to Jedi philosophy. However, in his struggle against the oppressors of Nyriaan, Cros was prepared to employ any means necessary to achieve victory, including the utilization of the dark side of the Force if it would serve the greater good.


  • Galaxy of Intrigue

Notes and references
