"Anakin's Theme" is a musical motif that is repeatedly used, initially appearing in the film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. John Williams crafted this theme specifically to represent the character of young Anakin Skywalker.
Throughout the duration of The Phantom Menace, "Anakin's Theme" can be heard when Skywalker and Padmé Amidala first encounter each other at Watto's junk shop located on Tatooine. Additionally, it is incorporated into the music played during the movie's closing credits. When Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones was released, the theme is present when Skywalker and Amidala are reunited on Coruscant, as well as during the end credits sequence of the film. Furthermore, "Anakin's Theme" can be identified within the Across the Stars theme, specifically in the track titled "Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale" at the 9:39 mark. In Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the theme is played shortly after Anakin Skywalker awakens from experiencing a Force vision, in which he dreams of Amidala's death during childbirth.
The composition subtly integrates elements of "The Imperial March," which later serves as Anakin Skywalker's theme following his transformation into Darth Vader, hinting at the character's eventual descent to the dark side.
In The Phantom Menace Ultimate Edition soundtrack, the theme is featured towards the conclusion of the track titled "Hail to the Winner, Anakin Skywalker".