"Anthem of Evil," a film track and concert suite, was composed by John Williams for the 2019 movie Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Beginning with a choral section, "Anthem of Evil" dramatically accelerates in tempo and increases in loudness with brass instruments; it is largely derived from the desperation motif from The Last Jedi, itself built upon the tension motif from The Force Awakens. Notably, this tension motif bears resemblance to the Grand Army of the Republic's theme in "The Arena" from Attack of the Clones.
The composition also incorporates elements from the prequel trilogy, specifically the mystery and Palpatine's machinations motif, as well as "The Emperor's Theme" from the original trilogy and Siegfried's motif within "The Force Theme." Moreover, it includes Rey's Theme and Kylo Ren's theme from the sequel trilogy.
In The Rise of Skywalker, the suite's melody functions as a leitmotif representing the Sith Eternal. On the film's official commercial release soundtrack, this motif appears in several tracks, such as "Journey to Exegol," "Destiny of a Jedi," "Join Me," "Approaching the Throne," and "Anthem of Evil," as well as in the "Finale" track during the end credits.