The Force Theme

"The Force Theme" Explored

Across the entirety of the Star Wars saga's soundtrack, a recurring musical idea, known as "The Force Theme," appears in various forms. This iconic piece of music is among the most widely recognized melodies crafted by John Williams for Star Wars. It is also known as "Binary Sunset," and functions as the leitmotif representing the Force. While Williams initially envisioned it as the theme for Obi-Wan Kenobi, it's presence can be heard in every installment of the Star Wars saga.


Within the Films

First heard in Episode IV A New Hope as Princess Leia Organa entrusts the Death Star plans to R2-D2, its most memorable use occurs when Luke Skywalker observes the twin suns of Tatooine. Later, it accompanies Luke's discovery of his family's burning homestead and a TIE fighter's pursuit during the battle over the Death Star. Near the battle's conclusion, the theme resurfaces as Obi-Wan Kenobi speaks to Luke. Finally, in A New Hope, it is played twice during the celebratory victory scene.

In Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, the theme is present when Luke uses the Force to retrieve his lightsaber inside the wampa's cave, during the Rebels' retreat from the AT-AT walkers, at Yoda's unveiling as the Jedi Master Luke sought, and multiple times on Dagobah. As Luke calls out to Leia while hanging beneath Cloud City, she perceives his call through the Force, an uncommon ability for someone untrained. As Leia hears her brother's words, "The Force Theme" can again be heard.

In Episode VI Return of the Jedi, "The Force Theme" accompanies Luke's questioning of Leia about her memories of their mother. Towards the film's end, it plays as Darth Vader seizes Darth Sidious and throws him into the abyss. As Vader is burned, the theme is reprised as he passes into the Force.

At the start of Episode I The Phantom Menace, the theme underscores Qui-Gon Jinn's attempt to breach the Trade Federation's door. It reappears when Qui-Gon advises Anakin before the podrace and when Shmi reveals Anakin's lack of a father. As Anakin departs Tatooine to train as a Jedi, the theme swells as he leaves his mother. The theme is quite noticeable during Anakin's evaluation before the Jedi Council on Coruscant; Yoda cautions that Anakin's fear could lead him to the dark side of the Force. A triumphant version merges with Duel of the Fates as Anakin and R2-D2 escape the exploding Droid Control Ship in their N-1 starfighter after accidentally destroying the control ship's main reactor. It also sounds when Obi-Wan uses the Force to summon his master's lightsaber and slay Darth Maul during the lightsaber duel in the Theed Royal Palace. The funeral music for Qui-Gon Jinn hints at the theme, later revisited in Episode III.

In Episode II Attack of the Clones, the theme accompanies Anakin and Padmé Amidala's secret departure to Naboo. As Anakin gazes at the Tatooine sunset, the theme returns as he resolves to find his mother, recently kidnapped by Tusken Raiders. It reappears during the First Battle of Geonosis as Anakin urges Obi-Wan to abandon their pursuit of Count Dooku to rescue Padmé, and Yoda senses the impending confrontation.

Episode III Revenge of the Sith opens with "The Force Theme" alongside the Battle of Coruscant as the camera follows Anakin and Obi-Wan in their starfighters, and playing again as they land on the Invisible Hand. It plays when Anakin tells Padmé about her death in his dreams. Due to his nightmares, Anakin tells Yoda of his preoccupations: the theme is played with deep tones as Yoda tells him that "death is a natural part of life." The theme is reprised during Obi-Wan's and Anakin's conversation before the Jedi Master departs to Utapau, and again as he arrives. It is played again when Anakin gets into an airspeeder and goes to Mace Windu and Darth Sidious' duel and then when Anakin asks Windu not to kill Sidious. The theme can be heard when Anakin and Obi-Wan both use the Force against each other. The piece "Battle of the Heroes" integrates the theme as Obi-Wan tries desperately to bring Anakin back to the light. It is played again as Darth Vader wakes up for the first time in his new suit and when Yoda reveals to Obi-Wan that his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn, became immortal. The song can be heard again when Darth Vader and Darth Sidious watch the construction of the Death Star. The movie concludes with a reprise of "Binary Sunset," mirroring its opening.

In the film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, "The Force Theme" underscores the film's resolution. It is used in a similar fashion in several early episodes of the subsequent television series. It reappears in "Overlords," underscoring Obi-Wan's comments to his vision of Qui-Gon Jinn regarding Anakin. The episode also introduces an ascending variant of the theme, using the first few notes, as a motif for the family on Mortis—most prominently heard during establishing shots of the temple. It is also reused and connects to "Ahsoka's Theme" in "The Wrong Jedi."

In Episode VII The Force Awakens, the tune appears in the tracks "Maz's Counsel" and "Han and Leia," as well as in "The Ways of the Force," when Rey and Kylo Ren are fighting, and in "The Jedi Steps and Finale" at the end of the film, when Rey finds Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To.

A version of the tune plays three times in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: when Bail Organa is seen onscreen for the first time in the Rebellion's debriefing with Jyn Erso at the beginning of the film; once when Jyn, Cassian Andor, and K-2SO depart Yavin for Jedha; and again at the end of the film as Leia's Tantive IV jumps to hyperspace fleeing Scarif with the Death Star plans. Although the Jedi and the Force are mentioned, no Jedi appear in the film, thus the slightly altered version of the piece.

Episode VIII The Last Jedi features the theme in several tracks, most notably "The Sacred Jedi Texts," "The Last Jedi," and "Peace and Purpose." It also appears while Kylo Ren (Ben) and Rey are using physical Force bond connection for the first time touching hands in the stone hut after Rey's mirror discovery in the cave. Kylo Ren's theme and Rey's are mixed together before the Force theme comes in near the end from "The Cave" track. For the third time in a row, the Force theme closes the movie as a part of the finale.

In Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the theme is present in "We Go Together" during Leia and Rey's hug, when Rey heals the snake, in "The Final Saber Duel" when Rey is healing Kylo Ren, in "Destiny of a Jedi", in "Coming Together", in "The Force Is with You" during the final confrontation between Rey and Darth Sidious, in "Reunion" during the victory celebration on Ajan Kloss and in the "Finale".

Television Appearances

In The Mandalorian, the theme is present in Chapter 16: The Rescue, where Luke makes a guest appearance. Specifically, it appears in "Open the Door" when Luke lowers his hood to reveal his face to Din Djarin, Grogu, Carasynthia Dune and Bo-Katan Kryze.

In The Book of Boba Fett, the theme is present in Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger, during the scene of Luke and Grogu training on Ossus.

In Ahsoka, elements of the theme is played in Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord when Sabine Wren uses the force for the first time.

In Tales of the Jedi, the theme is present in "Dooku vs Yaddle" in The Sith Lord, during Dooku and Yaddle's duel, when Yaddle uses the Force to lift up the hangar gate.

In Young Jedi Adventures, the theme is present in The Caves of Batuu when Kai Brightstar's vision ends and he embraces the Force and that greatness is not rooted in perfection but from the knowledge that there is always more to learn.

Video Game Integration

Segments of this theme appear within the Taris and Star Forge sequences of Knights of the Old Republic, connected to "Bastila's Theme." Occasionally, "The Force Theme" briefly sounds when the Jedi Exile in The Sith Lords earns Light Side Points. The theme plays in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order when Cere Junda knights Cal Kestis.

Cultural Impact

The dubstep act Coyote Kisses created a cover of "Binary Sunset" entitled "Star Wars - Binary Suns."

