The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a brief LEGO movie that premiered on the Disney+ streaming service on November 17, 2020. This special, created by Atomic Cartoons on behalf of the LEGO Group and Lucasfilm Ltd., draws its inspiration from the Star Wars Holiday Special that aired in 1978.

The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is set after the events of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, specifically in the year 35 ABY. The story revolves around Rey, a Jedi, who embarks on a journey with BB-8 to deepen her understanding of the Force. Meanwhile, her companions remain on the Millennium Falcon, preparing for the Wookiee celebration known as Life Day. However, instead of reaching the homeworld of the Wookiees, Kashyyyk, Rey's path takes an unexpected turn. A mysterious key propels her into an adventure through both space and time at a Jedi temple, where she encounters numerous figures from galactic history. Her ultimate goal is to return home in time for Life Day. ## Plot summary ### Prologue The movie opens with Yoda declaring that the First Order and the Sith are gone, ushering in an era of galaxy-wide peace. With freedom restored, the celebration of Life Day can commence once more. Yoda explains that Life Day is a holiday that celebrates family, friendship, and connection. The scene then shifts to the pages of a book. Yoda narrates that Rey Skywalker and her friends journeyed to Kashyyyk to celebrate with Chewbacca and his family. However, he notes that the celebration is pending the arrival of Rey and Finn. ### Training Finn On the planet Kashyyyk, aboard the Millennium Falcon, Finn practices with a Marksman-H training remote, using Rey's yellow lightsaber. As Finn struggles, Rey encourages him to relax and focus. Finn is distracted by the porgs, so Rey covers his head with a hood. She instructs Finn to be aware of his surroundings and asks if he can sense the remote. However, the remote ends up stinging Finn in the backside. When Finn expresses his frustration, Rey assures him that the Force is strong within him, reminding him that a Jedi must let go. Finn misunderstands Rey's advice and accidentally damages the Millennium Falcon's passenger hold with his lightsaber. When his hood falls off, Finn sees the training remote and cuts it in half. Finn celebrates, but the damaged training remote stings him in the backside. Finn then loses his temper. As Rey flips through the book, she wonders what she is doing wrong. A frustrated Finn asks if she is certain that he is destined to become a Jedi. Rey instructs him to hand over the lightsaber and explains that the Jedi text advises taking another path when the current one is incorrect. She then gives Finn a wooden lightsaber. Finn attempts to parry with the newly repaired training remote, but it sets his wooden blade on fire. Rey wonders what she is doing wrong. ### Preparing for Life Day Poe Dameron interrupts them, announcing that they need to prepare for the Life Day party. Poe is followed by Rose Tico, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Chewbacca. Poe mentions that Chewbacca's family is arriving and that Wookiees are known for ripping arms off things and enjoying parties. He assigns Finn the task of decorating and asks Rey to help with roasting the tip-yip. Rey quietly agrees before walking away. Frustrated with her inability to teach Finn, Rey retreats to her personal Jedi library below deck. As she flips through the books, Rey expresses her frustration at not being able to train Finn, despite following every teaching. Rey decides to meditate in the Force. She then feels a breeze which causes a brown Jedi book to fall. While reading the book, Rey smiles. Meanwhile, Poe tells Rose and Chewbacca that they have to prepare for Chewbacca's dinner. Rey then comes with the brown Jedi book and reads a passage telling her to visit the temple on Kordoku on Life Day where a key to the galaxy's past will help make a Jedi's future clearer. BB-8 beeps while Rose realizes this is not a tip-yip recipe. Chewbacca roars in frustration. When Finn asks what that means, Rey believes that she must go to Kordoku in order to help them with Finn's training. Finn thinks that Rey as a Jedi Master should take a break. Rey says that she has to go now because today is Life Day to the dismay of the others. Rey suggests that one of them could do the tip-yip but Finn reminds her that it is about family. Poe quips that it is about the tip-yip until Rose punches him playfully. Rey promises not to miss the party while BB-8 decides to leave. D-O pleads with BB-8 not to leave but he follows Rey. D-O is lonely while Poe experiences an allergic reaction caused by the Wookiee fur and tree pollen on Kashyyyk. Dameron says that Generals don't cry and Rose adds that they lead. Poe decides to throw the greatest Life Day party in the history of the galaxy and tells them to decorate while he handles the tip-yip. Poe admits that he does not know how to roast tip-yip but dons his chef's cap. ### Journey to Kordoku Rey prepares to leave in her T-65 X-wing starfighter. Finn begs her to stay, insisting that he can become a Jedi. Rey explains that she must go for his sake. Rey travels to the planet Kordoku with BB-8 but has trouble finding the temple amidst the colored clouds. Rey finds that the X-wing is flying towards a mountain and tells BB-8 to pull up, narrowly escaping a collision. She finds that the temple is within a mountain with three peaks. The snow-capped mountain is surrounded by snow and a snowy forest. Rey lands her X-wing and approaches the entrance to the temple, a narrow way through rock-face. Above, the aurora borealis glows over the mountain temple. Rey is impressed by the architecture. BB-8 follows but is covered by snow. Rey brushes aside snow covering a circular doorway and uses the Force to summon a blue-green crystal key, which she believes to be the key to the galaxy's past but wonders what it opens. ### Adventures in time As she holds the artifact and ponders about what it unlocks, the door begins revolving, opening a portal through space. When Rey puts down the crystal, the door closes. Rey turns the crystal, reopening the portal into a Force gateway. Rey is sucked into the Force gateway and lands in the swamps of Dagobah. There she witnesses a younger Luke Skywalker training under Yoda's tutelage while R2-D2 watches. As part of the training, Luke has to stand upside down while he levitates Yoda and several tools. Yoda tells Luke to concentrate. Rey realizes that they have traveled back in time to when Luke was training on Dagobah under Yoda's tutelage. Rey is excited that she might learn some profound Jedi wisdom. Luke grumbles that the blood is starting to rush to his head but Yoda tells him to concentrate. Just then R2-D2 starts beeping and Luke loses his concentration. Rey believes she can learn something from this. Luke tries to use the Force to lift his X-wing starfighter out of the swamps of Dagobah. Yoda tells him that there is no try. When Luke suggests that trying is a good thing, Yoda responds that participation trophies are not for Jedi. Luke tries to lift his X-wing out of the swamp but fails. Just then, BB-8 is grabbed by a swamp slug. As she struggles, Rey touches the crystal which opens the portal. The portal takes them back to the Kordoku temple. Rey realizes that the crystal is a key to the galaxy's past that helps makes a Jedi's future clearer. Rey thinks she can train Finn by travelling back in time to watch other Jedi Masters train their students. Rey convinces a reluctant BB-8 to follow her aboard the Trade Federation battleship Saak'ak where Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi are waiting to meet the Trade Federation for negotiations during the Naboo trade dispute. Kenobi is bored but Master Jinn tells him that Jedi do not seek adventures. Just then, the Trade Federation floods the meeting room with gas. Kenobi yearns for adventure and the two ignite their lightsabers. Rey and BB-8 then travel in time to Coruscant following the assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala. The two end up above the turbolift carrying an older Master Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Kenobi senses that Anakin is eager to see Padmé but he reminds him that they are on a mission. Kenobi tells Skywalker that he must be completely aware of his surroundings. Rey is excited to see the older Jedi. BB-8 tries to warn her not to let them see her but the two are noticed by Kenobi and Skywalker, who ignite their lightsabers. Rey says hi before turning the crystal and opening the portal. Later, Rebel Alliance X-wings launch their attack on the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. As Luke and R2-D2 fly their starfighter through the Death Star trench, Rey and BB-8 land in the cockpit, interrupting Luke as he is trying to aim his starfighter's cannon at the reactor shaft. Skywalker hears the Force spirit of Kenobi telling him to use the Force. Luke pushes Rey out of the way as he tries to find his targeting computer. Just then, Darth Vader strikes R2-D2 with a laser blast from his TIE Advanced x1. Kenobi implores Luke to use the Force. Rey tells Skywalker to listen to his master. Meanwhile Han Solo shoots Vader's escort TIE fighters and damages Vader's TIE Advanced, causing it to spin out of control. Solo tells Skywalker to blow up the Death Star and go home. After firing a missile down the reactor shaft, Skywalker jets his starfighter out of the Death Star. The Death Star explodes. Before Skywalker can thank Rey, she travels back in time. Solo hears that over the intercom and tells Skywalker he is welcome, believing that Skywalker was referring to him. Returning to the present, Rey tells BB-8 that they helped Skywalker blow up the Death Star. Rey is excited and says this is their best Life Day ever. ### A messy preparation Back aboard the Millennium Falcon, Poe and his team prepare decorations and lights with the help of the porgs. However, the porgs let go of one of the cables, which crashes into the ice GNK-series power droid. Rose realizes that they still need a tree and sends Chewbacca to fetch one while she and Finn clean the mess. When Finn remarks that Rey said that they would not notice if she was gone, he says he noticed. Meanwhile, Poe roasts a piece of tip-yip meat over the exhaust engines of the Falcon. Rose is horrified by Poe's recklessness. The tip-yip meat is scorched and only extinguished by D-O. Just then, Chewbacca and the porgs fell a tree, which lands on the hull of the Falcon. ### Stepping into peril Meanwhile, on Kordoku, Rey is excited by her adventures of encountering previous Jedi Masters. BB-8 wants to go home but Rey insists on seeing one more master and apprentice for Finn. Yoda warns that even though she did not know it, her quest was fraught with peril. Aboard the second Death Star, Emperor Palpatine gloats over his trap for the Alliance Fleet above Endor. He tells Darth Vader that the rebels will discover too late that the second Death Star is fully operational and boasts of their impending destruction. Palpatine wants to rule the galaxy for eternity. Vader disagrees and opines that "Death Star Two" feels derivative. He suggests Starkiller Base but the Emperor disagrees. Just as Rey and BB-8 enter through the time portal, Vader reminds the Emperor that today is Life Day. He gives the Emperor a mug saying "Galaxy's Best Emperor" as a gift. The Emperor is dismissive of the gift and hurls the mug aside, causing it to bounce off BB-8. Rey says this is not what she had in mind. She and BB-8 activate the portal and leave the second Death Star. However, the Emperor and Vader see the portal. The Emperor hurls the mug through the portal, prompting Vader to complain that he had to search hard for it on Batuu. However, the Emperor is more interested in the source of the portal and sends Lord Vader through the portal to investigate. Before Rey and BB-8 can go home, they are followed by Darth Vader who ignites his lightsaber. Meanwhile, Poe and the others have finished decorating the Millennium Falcon in preparation for Chewbacca's family. Poe is excited and starts to enjoy the music. Shortly later, three Wookiees arrive. The two younger Wookiees go for the food while an older grey Wookiee attempts to eat a porg but is stopped by Chewbacca. The grey Wookiee defrosts a frozen First Order BB-series astromech droid. Rose is concerned that the party is deteriorating and Finn adds that Poe might lose arms. Poe asks who is up for party games but this doesn't work. Rose and Finn decide to send out a distress signal. ### Misadventures with Lord Vader Back on Kordoku, Vader uses the Force to snatch the green crystal key out of Rey's hands. While the Sith Lord tries to figure out what the device is, Rey charges at him with her lightsaber. Vader uses the Force to bring down rocks, separating them. Rey however uses her Force powers to cast the rocks aside. She hurls the rocks at him but Vader deflects them with the Force and his lightsaber. He asks if she is a Jedi and Rey confirms this is so. The two fight over the green crystal key, causing the key to open a portal sucking them inside. BB-8 is left behind. Rey and Lord Vader emerge at Echo Base during the Battle of Hoth. As the two parry, Lord Vader is impressed by Rey and says that almost feels bad about having to destroy her. Before he can finish her, the command center is struck by a laser cannon. The past Lord Vader walks into the base with a contingent of Cold weather assault stormtrooper. The past Lord Vader and his troops encounter the future Lord Vader. One of the snow troopers is confused, causing the past Lord Vader to Force choke him. The past Lord Vader orders the troops to seize the base but the future Lord Vader tells them to seize the girl. The past Lord Vader exerts his authority, prompting a lightsaber duel between the two Vaders. The two Lord Vaders size up their Force powers before realizing they are the same person. Both Vaders order their snowtroopers to destroy Rey. She manages to activate the portal and escape. The future Lord Vader and two snowtroopers follow. The past Lord Vader orders his troops to continue with their mission to seize the rebel base. On Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi and the fallen Anakin Skywalker, who becomes Darth Vader, are dueling on platforms above the lava lake. The two snowtroopers land on a floating platform while Rey and the future Darth Vader land on separate ones and parry. One of the snowtroopers passes the green kyber crystal, which Rey dropped, to Lord Vader but Rey snatches it in mid-air with the Force. Rey, the future Vader, the snow troopers, Kenobi, and Anakin slide down the time portal as the lava flows down a valley. On Nevarro, Din Djarin and Grogu shelter behind a wall as Moff Gideon's stormtroopers and Death troopers converge on them. Rey, the future Darth Vader, Kenobi, Anakin, and the two snow troopers fall through a portal. Spotting Grogu, Rey and Vader say he is so cute. They open a portal in the ground, taking some stormtroopers and Death troopers with them. On Tatooine, nine-year old Anakin Skywalker races against Sebulba in podracers during the Boonta Eve Classic. Just then, the portal opens and a snowtrooper and two stormtroopers land on Sebulba's Podracer. Rey and Darth Vader land on opposite sides of the engines of Anakin's podracer. One of the snowtroopers lands in the desert while the older Anakin and Kenobi land beside the younger Anakin. Fodesinbeed Annodue says that whichever end of the universe they came from, the fall must hurt. The crystal is caught between the force field generated by Sebulba's engines, causing it to suck everyone but the stranded snowtrooper into the time portal. On Saleucami, two clone troopers on BARC speeders complain about traffic duty and quip about thinking like the same person. Just then, the portal opens and Anakin and Sebula's podracers race past. The two clone troopers realize they don't see podracers everyday, voicing their excitement over the racers' sudden appearance in unison. They race after the podracers, sirens blaring. As Rey and Lord Vader fight, the clones catch up with them and tell them to pull over. The motion generated by Sebulba's podracer engines triggers the crystal key, which sucks everyone onto the planet Exegol. Rey attempts to summon the crystal but it generates a portal on the hull of an Xyston-class Star Destroyer, sucking everyone include a group of First Order stormtroopers in with them. While falling through the portal, Rey and Lord Vader continue their duel, rapidly entering and exiting a large number of portals, gathering more and more people with them. On Tatooine, an adolescent Luke Skywalker watches the twin suns of Tatooine setting over the Lars homestead while drinking blue milk. The portal opens, dumping everyone on the desert. As everyone gathers, three different versions of Obi-Wan Kenobi each greet each other. A legless Darth Maul clears his throat. Other people include both an older and younger Han Solo, Greedo, and numerous clone troopers, stormtroopers, First Order jet troopers and Sith troopers, among other combatants of the struggle between light and dark throughout galactic history. The two Solos agree to shoot Greedo first, and a battle commences between the forces of light and dark. Rey and Lord Vader continue their fight. Lord Vader remarks that someone has trained her well. Rey remarks that he has no idea who. Just then, Luke Skywalker asks who are they. Rey recognizes him as a younger Master Skywalker while Darth Vader recognizes his son but pretends to be referring to the twin suns of Tatooine. Luke notices the green crystal key and asks what it is. When Rey and Vader charge after him, he tells them it is a private farm. The two tackle Skywalker and the three of them get sucked through a portal. ### In Sith hands Back on Kordoku, BB-8 is playing with his igniter when the green crystal drops, followed by Rey, Vader, and the younger Luke Skywalker. Rey asks where is the key. BB-8 retrieves the key and tries to roll away. However, Lord Vader uses the Force to hurl BB-8 aside and steals the green crystal. He activates the portal and departs with the mug. Rey tries to follow him but the portal closes. Rey says this is the worst Life Day ever while Luke drinks blue milk. At the second Death Star, the Emperor spins in his chair when Lord Vader returns with the green crystal key. Vader explains that this is a key that allows them to travel through space and time. He says that he has witnessed its awesome power and believes they can use it to rule the galaxy. The Emperor however wants to go to the future where the Jedi are destroyed, the Rebellion is crushed and they reign supreme. The Emperor decides to go thirty years into the future. In the future, the now Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is fiddling about shirtless in his chambers when General Armitage Hux stumbles on him. Hux informs him that they have send ships to head to the pectoral locations. Hux stutters before withdrawing. The Emperor grumbles about Kylo Ren being the Supreme Leader but their voices are heard by Kylo Ren, who is excited to see his grandfather and the Emperor. The Emperor tells Ren they came through a Life Day 'miracle." Kylo Ren is excited to see his hero but Lord Vader is unnerved by his fan art. Kylo Ren tells his guests that he just made himself Supreme Leader but the Emperor wants to know if he actually rules the galaxy in the future. Kylo Ren decides to update his guests about history but the Emperor tells him to put a shirt on. Back on Kordoku, Luke Skywalker asks where they are and who Rey is. Rey explains that she is just the Jedi Master who let Darth Vader on the loose to who knows where or when. As Rey attends to BB-8, Skywalker says that he is only a moisture farmer and has no idea who Darth Vader is but is an expert on vaporators. Seeing BB-8 damaged, Luke offers to help repair BB-8, restoring the droid. Rey is impressed with Luke's mechanical skills while Luke is curious about the spherical droid and takes an immediate liking to him. Back in the future, the Emperor learns the truth about his betrayal and death at the hands of Lord Vader during the Battle of Endor from Kylo Ren. The Emperor asks Ren for his lightsaber and toys with his cross-guard blade. The Emperor is impressed and asks Kylo Ren if he has a mask. Ren replies that he broke it, showing his Sith guests the altar where it rests. The Emperor uses the Force to repair Kylo Ren's helmet. Vader is impressed but the Emperor asks Kylo Ren if he would betray his master under any circumstances. This causes Ren to call his role in the murder of the previous Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo Ren lies that he would not throw his master down a reactor shaft. The Emperor activates the portal with the crystal and invites Kylo Ren to change their destiny. ### Saving the party Meanwhile, Chewbacca's hungry and bored family wait aboard the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca chides his grey-furred relative for swallowing a porg. Poe notices Finn and Rose are smiling and asks why they are enjoying the biggest disaster since Jar Jar Binks' Galactic Senate speech. Rose points out that she has invited Max Rebo to set up a drum. Poe asks why they invited Max since nobody has listened to him in thirty years. Poe asks where is the rest of the band and thinks this won't work. At that point, they are interrupted by Lando Calrissian, who praises Poe and his team's effort. He is accompanied by Jannah and Maz Kanata, who is delighted to see her boyfriend Chewbacca. Poe asks what is going on. Rose says that Life Day is about being with friends and family. Finn adds the more the merrier. They are joined by several Jawa, Rodian, and an Ewok. When Poe asks if they had a plan to feed them, Rose gestures towards Zorii Bliss, who has brought several pieces of tip-yip. A Mon Calamari gifts Lando Calrissian a present, which turns out to be a blue cape. While Max Rebo plays his drums, Finn and Rose sing a festive song in Huttese, which cheers up everyone but Poe. Rose senses Poe's despondency and asks what is wrong. Poe replies joy. ### The Emperor's new apprentice Aboard the second Death Star, the Emperor and Kylo Ren regale about the Death Stars and Starkiller Base. They are interrupted by Vader, whose presence the Emperor does not welcome. The Emperor sends Darth Vader to fetch Luke Skywalker from the Forest Moon of Endor. Vader grumpily complies before leaving. In Vader's absence, Ren warns the Emperor that sending Vader to fetch Skywalker will lead to the exact chain of events which ends up with Vader hurling the Emperor down a reactor shaft. Kylo Ren warns there is no coming back from that and asks the Emperor if he is worried about his apprentice betraying him. The Emperor dismisses Darth Vader as his former apprentice. ### Rey's lesson Back at the Kordoku, Rey regrets her recklessness. Yoda speaks to her and materializes in spectral form. Rey tells Yoda that she failed to teach Finn and to stop Darth Vader and find a way out of here. Yoda responds that all teachers fail and says that he erred in teaching Luke on Dagobah. Rey says that is different but Yoda reassures her that she can learn from failure to be a better student or better teacher. Yoda tells her that he will show her what she failed to see before showing her a [Force
Taking place after the events depicted in [Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker](/article/star_wars:_episode_ix_the_rise_of_skywalker), specifically set in [35 ABY](/article/35_aby), _The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special_ tells the story of [Rey](/article/rey_skywalker), a [Jedi](/article/jedi), and her companion [BB-8](/article/bb-8), as they embark on a quest to deepen their understanding of [the Force](/article/the_force). Simultaneously, their friends are busy preparing for the [Wookiee](/article/wookiee) celebration of [Life Day](/article/life_day) aboard the _Millennium Falcon_. However, instead of arriving at [Kashyyyk](/article/kashyyyk), the [homeworld](/article/homeworld) of the Wookiees, Rey's journey takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious [key](/article/key) catapults her through space and [time](/article/time) at a [Jedi temple](/article/jedi_temple), leading her to encounter various figures from [galactic history](/article/timeline_of_galactic_history). Her primary objective is to return home in time for Life Day. ## Plot summary ### Prologue The film commences with [Yoda](/article/yoda) announcing the end of the [First Order](/article/first_order) and the [Sith](/article/sith), signaling an era of peace throughout [the galaxy](/article/the_galaxy). With the restoration of freedom, the celebration of [Life Day](/article/life_day) can once again take place. Yoda clarifies that Life Day is a celebration of friendship, connection, and family. The scene then transitions to the pages of a book. Yoda narrates that [Rey Skywalker](/article/rey_skywalker) and her comrades traveled to [Kashyyyk](/article/kashyyyk) to celebrate with [Chewbacca](/article/chewbacca) and [his family](/article/chewbacca%27s_family). However, he points out that the celebration is contingent on Rey and [Finn](/article/finn)'s arrival. ### Training Finn On the planet [Kashyyyk](/article/kashyyyk), aboard the _Millennium Falcon_, Finn is training with a [Marksman-H training remote](/article/marksman-h_training_remote), wielding [Rey's yellow lightsaber](/article/rey%27s_lightsaber). As Finn struggles, Rey encourages him to relax and concentrate. Because Finn is distracted by the [porgs](/article/porg), Rey places a hood over his head. She instructs Finn to be mindful of his surroundings and asks if he can feel the remote. However, the remote ends up stinging Finn in the rear. Upon Finn's expression of frustration, Rey assures him that [the Force](/article/the_force) is strong within him, reminding him that a [Jedi](/article/jedi) must let go. Finn misunderstands Rey's advice and inadvertently damages the _Millennium Falcon_'s passenger hold with his lightsaber. Once his hood falls off, Finn spots the training remote and slices it in half. Finn cheers, but the damaged training remote stings him in the rear. Finn then loses his temper. As Rey flips through the book, she wonders what she is not doing correctly. A frustrated Finn asks if she is certain that he is meant to become a Jedi. Rey instructs him to hand over the lightsaber and explains that the Jedi text advises taking a different path when the current one is incorrect. She then gives Finn a wooden lightsaber. Finn attempts to parry with the newly repaired training remote, but it sets his wooden blade aflame. Rey wonders what she is doing incorrectly. ### Preparing for Life Day [Poe Dameron](/article/poe_dameron) interrupts them, announcing that they have to prepare for the Life Day party. Poe is followed by [Rose Tico](/article/rose_tico), [C-3PO](/article/c-3po), [R2-D2](/article/r2-d2), and [Chewbacca](/article/chewbacca). Poe mentions that Chewbacca's family is arriving and that Wookiees are known for ripping arms off things and enjoying parties. He assigns Finn the task of decorating and asks Rey to help with roasting the [tip-yip](/article/tip-yip). Rey quietly agrees before walking away. Frustrated with her inability to train Finn, Rey retreats to her personal Jedi library below deck. As she flips through the books, Rey expresses her frustration at not being able to train Finn, despite following every teaching. Rey decides to meditate in the Force. She then feels a breeze which causes a brown Jedi book to fall. While reading the book, Rey smiles. Meanwhile, Poe tells Rose and Chewbacca that they have to prepare for Chewbacca's dinner. Rey then comes with the brown Jedi book and reads a passage telling her to visit the [temple](/article/jedi_temple_(kordoku)) on [Kordoku](/article/kordoku) on Life Day where a [key](/article/key) to the galaxy's past will help make a Jedi's future clearer. [BB-8](/article/bb-8) beeps while Rose realizes this is not a tip-yip recipe. Chewbacca roars in frustration. When Finn asks what that means, Rey believes that she must go to Kordoku in order to help them with Finn's training. Finn thinks that Rey as a [Jedi Master](/article/jedi_master) should take a break. Rey says that she has to go now because today is Life Day to the dismay of the others. Rey suggests that one of them could do the tip-yip but Finn reminds her that it is about family. Poe quips that it is about the tip-yip until Rose punches him playfully. Rey promises not to miss the party while BB-8 decides to leave. [D-O](/article/d-o) pleads with BB-8 not to leave but he follows Rey. D-O is lonely while Poe experiences an allergic reaction caused by the [Wookiee](/article/wookiee) fur and tree pollen on [Kashyyyk](/article/kashyyyk). Dameron says that [Generals](/article/general) don't cry and Rose adds that they lead. Poe decides to throw the greatest Life Day party in the history of the galaxy and tells them to decorate while he handles the tip-yip. Poe admits that he does not know how to roast tip-yip but dons his chef's cap. ### Journey to Kordoku Rey prepares to depart on her [T-65 X-wing starfighter](/article/t-65b_x-wing_starfighter). Finn pleads with her not to leave, saying that he knows he can become a Jedi. Rey explains that she must go for his sake. Rey travels to the planet Kordoku with BB-8 but has trouble finding the temple amidst the colored clouds. Rey finds that the X-wing is flying towards a mountain and tells BB-8 to pull up, narrowly escaping a collision. She finds that the temple is within a mountain with three peaks. The snow-capped mountain is surrounded by snow and a snowy forest. Rey lands her X-wing and approaches the entrance to the temple, a narrow way through rock-face. Above, the aurora borealis glows over the mountain temple. Rey is impressed by the architecture. BB-8 follows but is covered by snow. Rey brushes aside snow covering a circular doorway and uses [the Force](/article/the_force) to summon a blue-green [crystal](/article/crystal) key, which she believes to be the key to the galaxy's past but wonders what it opens. ### Adventures in time As she holds the artifact and ponders about what it unlocks, the door begins revolving, opening a [portal](/article/portal) through [space](/article/realspace). When Rey puts down the crystal, the door closes. Rey turns the crystal, reopening the portal into a Force gateway.
title: The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special
Rey is having a [vision](/article/force_vision) of her companions celebrating Life Day on the _Millennium Falcon_. As Rey observes, a Christmas tree starts to fall, but Finn skillfully uses his wooden blade to prevent its crash. Rose inquires where he acquired that skill, and Finn responds that Rey taught him to be attentive to his surroundings. Yoda assures Rose that Finn possesses wisdom. Rey expresses disagreement, stating that she has diligently studied and memorized the Jedi texts. Rey comes to the realization that by excessively focusing on the books, she inadvertently hurt Finn's feelings and neglected him. Yoda elucidates that a Jedi requires both knowledge and training, but these are rendered ineffective without connection. Yoda reveals to Rey visions of various Jedi masters alongside their apprentices, including Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin, Yoda, and Luke. Rey understands that these masters and students cultivated a bond of friendship. Yoda questions if Rey comprehends. Rey affirms, and he extends a happy Life Day greeting to her. Before Yoda departs, Rey inquires about her course of action regarding Vader and the Emperor. Yoda responds that he has revealed all she needs to know, asserting that she possessed the power all along before vanishing. Luke inquires if she succeeded in finding the key, but Rey replies in the negative. Luke questions if that was Yoda's intended meaning when he declared that she always had the power. Rey realizes that Luke witnessed the vision and expresses gratitude for his teaching. Rey engages in meditation and employs the Force to illuminate the other crystals within the cave. Holding Luke's hand, she commands the crystals to orbit them. Accompanied by Luke and BB-8, they venture into a portal generated by the multitude of crystals. ### Connection and letting go Aboard the second Death Star, the Emperor inquires if Kylo Ren understands the scheme. Ren ceases his spinning on the Emperor's throne and declares that when Vader arrives with Luke Skywalker, he will cast them into the reactor shaft. The Emperor expresses satisfaction and pledges to govern the galaxy with Ren at his side. However, Ren harbors uncertainty, prompting the Emperor to display a hologram chart illustrating the Emperor's superior position relative to the Supreme Leader. Ren is prepared to cast Skywalker into a reactor shaft but hesitates to do the same to his grandfather. The Emperor cautions Kylo Ren against faltering. Suddenly, a time portal materializes, and Rey emerges. Upon entering the [Emperor's Throne Room](/article/emperor%27s_throne_room), Rey addresses Kylo Ren by his birth name, Ben Solo. Perplexed, the Emperor inquires of Ren who Ben is. Ren disavows his former identity, asserting that he is Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Subsequently, the younger Luke Skywalker emerges from the portal, inciting his nephew's fury. The Emperor commands Ren to eliminate them. Rey and Kylo Ren engage in a lightsaber duel. Ren gains the advantage and propels Rey against a wall. The Emperor cheers. Luke exclaims that no one harms his friend and hurls a carton of blue milk at Kylo Ren. Ren employs the Force to intercept the contents and hurl it back at Skywalker. The Emperor commands Ren to kill Skywalker. Before he can comply, BB-8 obstructs his path, affording Rey sufficient time to intercept his blade with her lightsaber. The Emperor commands Ren to also kill Rey and Darth Vader. Just then, Lord Vader arrives with the older Luke Skywalker. Ren expresses surprise at seeing his uncle. Vader questions the Emperor's intent to destroy Vader as well. The Emperor is taken aback, and Rey seizes the opportunity to hurl Kylo Ren into Vader. Rey enlists the assistance of the older Luke Skywalker. The Emperor persuades Vader and Kylo Ren to join him in the battle against Rey and Skywalker. A lightsaber battle ensues, with Kylo Ren fighting Luke and Rey fighting Darth Vader. Kylo Ren informs Skywalker that he has always harbored hatred for him, but the older Skywalker retorts that he has never encountered him before. The Emperor unleashes Force lightning. Rey charges at him but is intercepted by Kylo Ren. To Rey's astonishment, Ren deactivates his lightsaber, extends his hand, and invites her to rule the galaxy alongside him. While the Emperor is momentarily distracted by Ren and Rey's interaction, BB-8 seizes the key from his grasp. Ren attempts to employ the Force to retrieve the key from BB-8, but it flies past him to Rey. A saddened Rey gazes at Kylo Ren and addresses him as Ben once more, bidding him farewell as she employs the key to return him to his ship. Ren's helmet shatters, and he unleashes a tantrum, devastating his room with his lightsaber. A horrified General Hux discreetly exits the room. Back aboard the Emperor's Throne Room, the Emperor assaults the older Luke Skywalker with [Force lightning](/article/force_lightning), resulting in his demise. The Emperor then unleashes Force lightning on Darth Vader, crippling him. The Emperor extends an invitation to Rey to join him as his newest apprentice. Rey rejects his offer, asserting that he has failed previously and will fail again. She proclaims that good will invariably triumph over evil. The Emperor assaults her with Force lightning and threatens to eliminate both Skywalkers, Ren, and Vader if she declines his offer. Vowing to govern the galaxy independently, the Emperor seizes the blue-green crystal and attempts to enter the portal. Rey thwarts him. The Emperor dismisses her as pathetic and questions if she believes she can defeat him alone. Rey responds that she is not alone. The older Luke Skywalker comes to Rey's aid and employs the Force to levitate the green crystal. Rey inquires of Luke if she recalls his initial Force lesson to "let go." Luke complies, causing the crystal to collide with the Emperor and Vader, who crash into the Emperor's throne. With the Sith distracted, Rey departs with the younger Luke and BB-8. She informs the older Luke that she is returning his younger self to his rightful place. The older Luke remains behind and observes as Lord Vader hurls the Emperor down the reactor shaft, asserting that he has endured enough of taking orders from him. He also throws the Emperor's mug down, extending a "Happy Life Day" greeting. As the Emperor plummets to his [demise](/article/death), he realizes the error of his ways and resolves to reform. Distracted, he collides with the reactor shaft and is lost to the abyss. ### Celebration of life Rey transports the younger Luke Skywalker back to Tatooine. She assures BB-8 that he will be fine, as he is a resilient Jedi, albeit unaware of it as of yet. Rey then returns the various combatants to their respective time zones before returning to the Jedi Temple on Kordoku. Back at the _Millennium Falcon_, Poe and the others celebrate. Rey arrives and expresses delight at having returned in time. BB-8 recounts to an incredulous C-3PO his encounters with numerous Master Skywalkers. Rey informs Finn that she discovered what she was seeking was present here all along before embracing him. Poe extends an invitation to Finn to carve the tip-yip, but Rey grants Finn the honor of doing so. Finn ignites his lightsaber, and Rey expresses her readiness to train him. Attempting to concentrate on letting go, Finn inadvertently bisects the table, but Rey assures him that they will work on it together. Suddenly, it begins to snow on Kashyyyk. Everyone rushes outside to revel in the snow. One of the Wookiees hurls BB-8. Poe and Zorii also share a tender moment together. Rey beholds the Force ghosts of Luke and [Leia Skywalker](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo). Yoda concludes the narrative by stating that Life Day is a time for family and friends before extending a happy Life Day greeting to the viewer. ## Development ### Conception Although [Lucasfilm Ltd.](/article/lucasfilm_ltd.) never officially released it after its initial television broadcast in [1978](/article/1978), _The Star Wars Holiday Special_, despite being widely criticized, introduced elements like Life Day that have persisted within the _Star Wars_ franchise and are now considered [canon](/article/canon). In late [2019](/article/2019), [Jon Favreau](/article/jon_favreau) expressed his enthusiasm for creating another _Holiday Special_, suggesting that he could propose the concept for release on the new [Disney+](/article/disney%2b) streaming service, having included a Life Day reference in the [first episode](/article/chapter_1:_the_mandalorian) of _The Mandalorian_. Eventually, Lucasfilm engaged in discussions about holiday specials, emphasizing the tradition of gathering together to watch them annually, as well as their enduring appeal. The company considered creating a new one when [LEGO](/article/lego) _Star Wars_ sought innovative creative approaches on Disney+, and, recognizing that the LEGO _Star Wars_ universe allowed for stories with a playful tone that would resonate with families, a LEGO _Star Wars_ special was initiated.<InsImage
alt="The LEGO Star Wars production is a holiday film."
The LEGO Star Wars production is a holiday film.
The special's creative team drew inspiration from beloved holiday classics such as [Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer]( and [Planes, Trains and Automobiles](,_trains_and_automobiles), as well as observing how children engaged with LEGO _Star Wars_. Noticing that children utilized all aspects of the franchise, blending LEGO from different _Star Wars_ eras, [James Waugh](/article/james_waugh) and [Josh Rimes](/article/josh_rimes)—vice president managing franchise content and strategy and director of animation development at Lucasfilm, respectively—discussed how a narrative could be crafted to accommodate such integration. Consequently, the holiday special's objective became to unite over 40 years of _Star Wars_, and a 'bucket dump' moment was envisioned for it. Waugh and Rimes expressed hope that _The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special_ would remain timeless despite the constant influx of new content, becoming a cherished tradition alongside Rudolph and Frosty for enthusiasts of _Star Wars_, LEGO, and holiday specials.
### Production
Produced by [Atomic Cartoons](/article/atomic_cartoons), the LEGO special is directed by [Ken Cunningham](/article/ken_cunningham) and executive-produced by [Jason Cosler](/article/jason_cosler), [Jacqui Lopez](/article/jacqui_lopez), [Keith Malone](/article/keith_malone), Josh Rimes, James Waugh, [Jill Wilfert](/article/jill_wilfert), and [David Shayne](/article/david_shayne), who also served as the film's writer. Alongside [Matthew Wood](/article/matthew_wood), [David W. Collins](/article/david_w._collins) contributed to the sound design for the holiday special at [Skywalker Sound](/article/skywalker_sound). The [Keeper of the Holocron](/article/holocron_continuity_database), [Leland Chee](/article/leland_chee), also penned the lyrics for the [song](/article/music) "[Joh Blastoh](/article/joh_blastoh/lego)," a contribution he deemed potentially the highlight of his career. Chee later updated his Twitter header image to feature [Finn](/article/finn) preparing to sing in the Holiday Special, and his Twitter account status to "[Huttese](/article/huttese) songwriter".
Utilizing primarily LEGO CGI assets, the special features voice performances from actors who have worked on _Star Wars_ films and television series, including [Anthony Daniels](/article/anthony_daniels), [Billy Dee Williams](/article/billy_dee_williams), [James Arnold Taylor](/article/james_arnold_taylor), [Tom Kane](/article/tom_kane), and [Kelly Marie Tran](/article/kelly_marie_tran). [Mark Hamill](/article/mark_hamill), who portrayed [Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker) in the films, did not reprise his role in the special because he was not asked to do so and, in his own words, to avoid tarnishing the original special's legacy, being replaced by [Eric Bauza](/article/eric_bauza).
The [2020 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar]( was designed in conjunction with the show's development and production, with each influencing the other. The figures and trinkets included in the product are directly inspired by the _Holiday Special_.
## Release
Announced on [August 13](/article/august_13), [2020](/article/2020), _The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special_ premiered on [Disney+](/article/disney%2b) on [November 17](/article/november_17) of the same year, exactly forty-two years after the original _Holiday Special_. Clips from the special were promoted by the Disney+ Twitter account in a post on [November 1](/article/november_1), 2020, and an official trailer for the LEGO film was subsequently posted by the Star Wars YouTube channel on [November 5](/article/november_5). The trailer incorporates composer [Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's]( [Trepak](, the Russian dance, from the 1892 ballet [The Nutcracker](
The _Holiday Special_'s score, composed by [Michael Kramer](/article/michael_kramer), expands upon [John Williams](/article/john_williams)' [friendship motif](/article/friendship_motif) from the 2019 film [Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker](/article/star_wars:_episode_ix_the_rise_of_skywalker), developing it as the [leitmotif]( for Life Day.
On December 9, 2020, the Star Wars [YouTube]( channel launched a _LEGO Star Wars Holiday Contest_ inspired by the film, in collaboration with Star Wars: Force for Change, robotics builders club FIRST, and the LEGO Group. The promotional video featured [Kelly Marie Tran](/article/kelly_marie_tran), who played [Rose Tico](/article/rose_tico) in the [Sequel trilogy](/article/sequel_trilogy).
## Media
### Poster gallery
## Credits
content="The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special on (backup link)"
content="The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special on the Aurebesh Wiki"