Arcetron was a metal, specifically one of silver-colored hue, frequently utilized in the construction of the hilts of lightsabers wielded by the Jedi.
During 14 BBY, Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan, came across some arcetron located within the Ice Caves of the planet Zeffo. He retained it for the purpose of implementing changes to the lightsaber that once belonged to his former master.
Within established Star Wars canon, the presence of arcetron was established in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a video game released in 2019 and created by Respawn Entertainment. The game features arcetron as one of twenty-four distinct materials that players can gather to personalize the visual design of Cal Kestis' lightsaber. In the Star Wars Legends timeline, arcetron initially appeared in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Obi-Wan, which was created by LucasArts. Later, it was described in The New Essential Guide to Droids, a reference book from 2006 authored by Daniel Wallace.