A male Mon Calamari Admiral named Arikakon Baraka hailed from Dac and served the Galactic Republic Navy during the Clone Wars.
Born on the homeworld of his species, Dac, Arikakon Baraka was a male Mon Calamari. Coming from a lineage of soldiers, including his father and grandfather, Baraka was destined for a military career from the moment he was born. By 22 BBY, he had already participated in over a hundred regional conflicts, gaining valuable experience and scars.
During the Clone Wars, a galaxy-spanning war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Baraka had risen to the rank of admiral in the Republic Navy. In the war's first year, he was put in charge of a clone trooper training program on the aquatic planet of Vandor-3, operating from the Acclamator-class assault ship Nexu. Baraka developed a strong dislike for the clones, viewing their mass production and uniformity as a degradation of the Republic's esteemed military traditions. Overseeing fifty thousand clones, including Alpha-98, Baraka implemented a harsh—and sometimes deadly—training regime.
In 21 BBY, Baraka was ordered to Ord Cestus, positioning the Nexu in orbit above the world. On the planet's surface, a mission to eliminate a new type of droid was in progress, led by Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto. They were working alongside a local rebel group who opposed the Five Families, the Separatist-aligned rulers of Ord Cestus. Alpha-98, previously stationed on Vandor-3 and sent to Ord Cestus after his successes, accompanied the Jedi.
Soon after, Kenobi and Fisto embarked on a mission to sabotage the droid factory, hoping to prevent an orbital bombardment by Baraka's ship. If the Jedi failed to locate the factory, the entire city of ChikatLik would be destroyed by the Nexu to ensure the "Jedi Killer droids" were eliminated. While the Jedi were occupied, Alpha-98 discovered the location of the Five Families' hideout and secretly left his clone comrades to assassinate the leaders. After facing significant resistance, the ground forces requested Baraka to initiate the orbital strike, an action that would result in the deaths of millions of innocent beings. Simultaneously, Alpha-98 realized he couldn't reach the Separatist leaders; instead, he transmitted a targeting code into orbit, directing the strike towards his own position.
On the Nexu, a clone technician brought the transmission to Baraka's attention. The admiral joined the clone at his station, where the technician managed to decode the signal, altering the coordinates to a location near Kibo Lake. Baraka briefly verified the location's authenticity before ordering his ship to commence the strike. In moments, the entire facility was obliterated, killing everyone inside, including the Five Families and Alpha-98. Shortly thereafter, Kenobi and Fisto successfully neutralized the threat of the Jedi Killer droids.