The Arkadianate shuttle was a compact starship, outfitted with a hyperdrive, employed by the domain of Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra during the era of the Republic Dark Age. Functionally, it was a modified starfighter that featured an extended crew area. Operation of the vessel was handled by a pilot droid whose body was permanently integrated into the starship's structure, receiving instructions from a remote command center. The shuttle's passenger area offered sufficient space for a single occupant along with a hoverchair.
This shuttle, colored silver, was propelled by a power system consisting of three cylindrical engines situated at the rear. A hollow compartment was integrated into the central engine, and it was sized to accommodate a single passenger, complete with a breathing apparatus and a water supply. Despite being secured for space travel, the chamber lacked soundproofing, exposing its occupant to hazardous engine noise. In the year 1032 BBY, Arkadia utilized this shuttle to transport her younger brother, Lord Quillan, and the Bothan mercenary spy Narsk Ka'hane on a one-way journey to the secluded location of Vilia Calimondra, her grandmother and the leader of the influential Calimondra family. For this specific mission, the Arkadianate shuttle's engine area was stocked with eight hours of oxygen, reflecting the seven-hour duration of the flight to Vilia's destination.
Arkadia, however, harbored a hidden agenda to assassinate both Quillan and her grandmother as part of a scheme to destabilize the Grumani sector and advance her ambitions for galactic control. After Jedi Knight Kerra Holt declined to collaborate with her, Narsk was tasked with the mission but was secretly working for Vilia. During the events of the Siege of Calimondretta, Narsk successfully disrupted Arkadia's plot by exchanging the nerve toxin-laden hoverchair with a safe alternative. Although Narsk managed to escape Syned, the intense noise from the accelerating engines caused permanent hearing damage. He was subsequently treated by Vilia's medical personnel and received prosthetic implants following the safe delivery of Quillan to Vilia.