The Arkanoid functioned as a Zeta-class long-range shuttle serving the interests of the Galactic Empire.
P'laang Ri, a Zabrak, salvaged the Zeta-class shuttle from Imperial hands. Subsequently, the Human Han Solo borrowed it soon after the Battle of Yavin to infiltrate Zoma Station and abscond with an Imperial shipment. Having entrusted his personal starship, the Millennium Falcon, to the indebted Ri on Siskeen for safekeeping, Han Solo, accompanied by the Wookiee Chewbacca and fellow Human smuggler Avik Lore, piloted the Arkanoid on its journey to Zoma Station.
During its departure from Siskeen, the Zeta-class shuttle—which Solo considered considerably smaller than the Millennium Falcon—experienced a hydraulics conduit failure at the start of its hyperspace jump to Zoma Station, resulting in a cabin filled with what Solo described as the disagreeable odor of "wet Wookiee fur."
Anxious to disembark from the Imperial shuttle, Han Solo, upon the Arkanoid's return to realspace, sent a transmission via comlink to Zoma Station, endeavoring to secure permission to dock using authorization codes that Avik Lore had previously acquired on the black market. Without Imperial interference, the Arkanoid received clearance to land on the station as the latter's tractor beam engaged and guided the Zeta-class into its designated docking bay.
In the end, Han Solo's endeavor proved successful; the smuggler and first mate Chewbacca departed Zoma Station and eventually reclaimed the Millennium Falcon from P'laang Ri.