Arner Figgis

Arner Figgis, an Issori expert in language and culture, is known for championing the highly debated survival-regressive-isolationist hypothesis. This hypothesis posited that colonists enduring a catastrophe, when cut off from other settlements, could be compelled by circumstance to discard advanced technology and take on traits resembling more rudimentary Human societies. The Bharhulai people of Socorro potentially exemplify Figgis's proposition.

Figgis held the position of Chief Linguist at the University of Be'nal on Issor. Furthermore, he attained a permanent position at the Imperial Academy of Science and Methodology, an accomplishment made notable by his non-human status.

His journey to Socorro was motivated by his desire to investigate the Socorran language and its relationship to Old Corellian. The academic enlisted Trep Winterrs as an assistant. Together, they went to the Black Dust Tavern so that Figgis could practice the language with the bartender, Karl Ancher. Unfortunately, Figgis' incorrect pronunciation of a sentence offended the bartender. Winterrs intervened to resolve the situation and invited Figgis to participate in a sabbaac game to facilitate conversation with the other players.

