Ashaar Khorda

Ashaar Khorda, a revolutionary from Annoo-dat Prime, rose to prominence before 27 BBY. His attempt to seize power on his homeworld, Annoo, was thwarted by the Galactic Republic. This defeat fueled Khorda's hatred for the Republic. He escaped the planet and began assembling a group of like-minded individuals who shared his disdain. Furthermore, Khorda discovered the Infant of Shaa, an ancient artifact rumored to possess planet-destroying capabilities. However, after acquiring it, the artifact was stolen. He then contracted the services of bounty hunter Jango Fett to recover the Infant. Once back in his possession, Khorda proceeded with his scheme to obliterate Coruscant, the Republic's capital, which he viewed as a hotbed of corruption and injustice.

Khorda, accompanied by his most loyal followers, infiltrated Coruscant's power relay, situated at the planet's core. Their intention was to destroy the Infant, triggering an explosion that would engulf Coruscant. However, their plans were opposed by Fett, the huntress Zam Wesell, and Jedi Master Yarael Poof. Fett fatally shot and killed Khorda, while Poof prevented the Infant from detonating, effectively ending the brief uprising.


The general Ashaar Khorda

Ashaar Khorda, a male Annoo-dat Prime, held the rank of general and hailed from the planet of Annoo. Khorda once launched a failed rebellion on his homeworld. The Galactic Republic intervened, leading to the rebellion's suppression. Undeterred, Khorda persisted in his efforts to seize control, utilizing military forces he had illicitly taken from the government. The Republic quelled the revolt, installing their own leader. Khorda then fled the planet to avoid prosecution for war crimes.

Presenting himself as a freedom fighter battling the corrupt Republic, Khorda gathered a group of followers who shared his animosity. He also initiated a search for the Infant of Shaa, an artifact crafted by the Seylott species rumored to possess immense power, capable of planetary destruction. Khorda learned of it through a prisoner during interrogation. Despite widespread skepticism about the artifact's existence, the general believed he could weaponize it against the Republic.

The Infant of Shaa, highly coveted by Ashaar Khorda

Khorda located the artifact, but it was soon stolen by a native of Seylott. In 27 BBY, Khorda instructed Fernooda, a Dug in his service, to contact bounty hunters Jango Fett and Zam Wesell to retrieve it. Fernooda, following the general's orders, concealed his master's identity, claiming to be an art enthusiast whose valuable piece had been stolen. The two bounty hunters accepted the assignment, and Fett successfully recovered the artifact on Seylott. He returned it to Fernooda, who then passed it on to Khorda. With the artifact once again in his possession, the general began plotting to harness its legendary power to destroy a planet. However, the Jedi High Council discovered Khorda's plans, specifically his intention to destroy either Coruscant, Corellia, or Alderaan. A Jedi Master was assigned to protect each planet, with the hope of finding Khorda and thwarting his plot.

Khorda decided to use the Infant to destroy Coruscant and convened with a small group of his most trusted followers in Coruscant's underlevels. The General outlined his plan to place the Infant in the power relays at the planet's core. As a Force-imbued object, the Infant contained a vast amount of Force energy. Destroying the artifact with the power relay's electric currents would unleash this energy, causing a massive explosion that would obliterate the planet. Khorda and his group would die in the process, but he was unconcerned. He believed that the destruction of Coruscant would inspire others and "cleanse" the Republic, which he considered corrupt. He viewed his death as a necessary sacrifice to save the galaxy from the Republic.

Khorda is killed by Jango Fett.

Khorda led his followers to the power relay at the planet's core, eliminating all guards stationed there to prevent access. Upon reaching the core, Khorda paused to savor his impending victory. However, they were attacked by Fett and Wesell, the two bounty hunters, along with Jedi Master Yarael Poof, who had arrived separately. The bounty hunters had learned of the Infant's planet-destroying capabilities. Wesell, feeling guilt for her role in retrieving it, convinced Fett to help her stop Khorda and recover the artifact. They followed Khorda to the power relay. Upon seeing the new arrivals, Khorda ordered his men to attack. His seven accomplices were quickly killed. Khorda placed the Infant in the electric current of the power relay and then attacked Poof. The Jedi severed his arm, and although Khorda stabbed Poof with a vibroblade, Fett fatally shot him. Poof seized the Infant and used the Force to prevent its explosion. Though the effort cost the Jedi Master his life, Coruscant was saved.

Personality and traits

Khorda stabs Master Poof

Ashaar Khorda considered himself a courageous freedom fighter battling the corrupt Republic. He believed that the Republic was a tyranny that needed its tainted capital destroyed to be saved. Therefore, he planned to annihilate Coruscant, eliminating the "infection" at the highest levels of government and reshaping the Republic into a noble entity. With the "head" of the Republic—its capital world—destroyed, the body would be free, according to the Annoo-dat Prime. Khorda dedicated his life to fighting the Republic and was willing to die for the cause. This commitment stemmed from witnessing what he perceived as the Republic imposing unjust policies on his homeworld. Khorda was willing to kill innocents, demonstrated when he stabbed and killed the driver of the airspeeder that transported him to his meeting in the underlevels. The Jedi High Council labeled Khorda a terrorist, and Fett considered him a madman.

Behind the scenes

Ashaar Khorda was created for the 2002 comic Star Wars: Jango Fett and also appeared in its sequel, Star Wars: Zam Wesell. He was later featured in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

