Seylott (species)

The Seylott were a race of sentient beings, specifically mammalian creatures, that walked on two legs. Their origins trace back to the planet also named Seylott, marking them as its native species.

Biology and appearance

The Seylott, being mammals, possessed a bipedal form, yet they retained the ability to ambulate using all four limbs. As a Forceful people, each individual held a connection to the Force. Characterized by sizable abdomens resting upon relatively short legs, Seylott typically displayed a muscular build and considerable height, complemented by robust arms honed from navigating the forest's branches and vines. Their faces were flat, adorned with whiskers around the nose, and they lacked a distinct neck.

Society and culture

Residing in the Outer Rim territories of the galaxy, the Seylott experienced infrequent contact with other species, fostering an environment for their society to evolve in relative isolation. They established a civilization marked by imposing stone monuments and structures nestled within the dense forests of Seylott, giving rise to a religious order known as the Disciples of Shaa. Given their inherent Force sensitivity, all Seylott were capable of venerating the deity Shaa, conceptualized as two integral halves of a unified entity: the Mother and the Infant.

For reasons not entirely understood, Seylott society experienced a sharp downturn, leading to its decline. By the era of the Clone Wars, only rudimentary groups remained, continuing to worship Shaa in anticipation of a more promising future. Those who maintained control over the Force functioned as shamans or priests, while the majority of the species had limited capacity to harness its power.


Situated on the Outer Rim, the homeworld of the Seylott was a remote world bordering Republic space, seldom visited by other races. Unhindered by outside influence from the galactic community, they developed a unique culture and society centered around colossal idols representing the Mother and the Infant aspects of Shaa. Constructing temples from white stone, their society flourished peacefully for centuries. However, by the time of the Republic's Separatist Crisis, the Seylott had encountered significant hardship, resulting in their society reverting to a largely primitive state.

During this period, Ashaar Khorda, a political terrorist from Annoo-dat, discovered the existence of the Infant of Shaa and initiated a mission to acquire the ancient artifact for use as a superweapon. Although he briefly possessed it, a Seylott devotee absconded with the idol, aiming to safeguard his species' culture and conceal their past transgressions. The bounty hunter Jango Fett eventually returned the Infant to Khorda, enabling the Annoo-dat to proceed with his scheme to obliterate the Republic's capital world, Coruscant. Khorda and his accomplices came perilously close to destroying the city-world, but their efforts were thwarted by the timely intervention of Jango Fett, his ally Zam Wesell, and the Jedi Master Yarael Poof. Before it could inflict harm on Khorda's targets, Poof successfully neutralized the Infant of Shaa and entrusted it to Fett for its return to Seylott. The Seylott were pleased by the Infant's restoration to its temple, as they believed that the separation of the Mother and the Infant would precipitate further decline on their world.

