Asharl panthers were large and fierce feline creatures that were originally found on the icy planet of Ilum, located within the Unknown Regions. These panthers inhabited both the Northern and Southern regions of Ilum.
The appearance of Asharl panthers included wide heads lacking ears, a noticeable ridge above their eyes, and a short, thick muzzle. Notably, they possessed two tentacle-like sensory organs positioned on their shoulders. They typically existed in small family units, ranging from two to four individuals. Their smooth, thick fur, which came in hues of white, blue, and gray, effectively preserved their body heat. In terms of size, they measured between two and three meters in length, with a shoulder height of approximately one meter. Their eyes displayed a golden hue.
The initial reference to Asharl panthers appeared within Nexus of Power, a supplementary roleplaying sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying game series. This book was released by Fantasy Flight Games during the year 2016.