Assault on Protazk

The Assault on Protazk, which occurred on the planet known as Protazk, was a conflict within the larger Kwymar Suppressions and happened in 17 BBY. The Galactic Empire emerged victorious over the Rebel forces in this engagement.


In the early years of the Imperial Period, Imperial forces launched a campaign referred to as the Kwymar Suppressions, targeting Rebel bases situated in the Kwymar sector. Among the planets that were subjected to attack was Protazk.

The battle

The conflict commenced with an assault by the Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Unit repulsortanks on a heavily defended location called the Spuma Flats. Colonel Zel Johans himself commanded the regiment from within his tank. While the remaining tanks engaged the laser turrets and Rebel troopers concealed within the trenches, Squad three moved to intercept a squadron of airspeeders.

Following the destruction of all fortifications, stormtroopers disembarked from Imperial Armored Transports and proceeded to attack the Rebel Infantry positioned in the trenches.

