Protazk, a terrestrial world, existed within the Protazk system. This system was situated inside the Kwymar sector of the Outer Rim Territories. A region called Spuma Flats was located on Protazk, sharing its name with the planet Spuma of the Seswenna sector. The landscape consisted of a level, dusty plain that once held laser tower emplacements and defensive trenches.
During the Kwymar Suppressions campaign, which occurred around 17 BBY, the Galactic Empire launched a brutal assault against Protazk to crush a rebellion. At one point during this conflict, a landing barge deployed the repulsortank Hammer 3:2, belonging to the Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Unit, onto the Spuma Flats plain where insurgents were dug in. As the tank was being deployed, its driver Gortz glanced through the vehicle's viewport and expressed his disdain, referring to Protazk as "another dirt-ball world." Hammer 3:2 then joined fellow repulsortanks from Squad three in their advance toward the trenches.
The name "Protazk" initially appeared in a reference to a battle within the first edition core rulebook for the Star Wars Miniatures Battles tabletop miniature wargame by West End Games. Stephen Crane and Paul Murphy authored the rulebook, which was released in June of 1989. Subsequently, "The Assault on Protazk," a brief narrative accompanying Greg Gorden's October 1989 Imperial Sourcebook, published by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, established Protazk as a distinct planet and marked its first detailed depiction.

A 1990 roleplaying game article titled "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," published in the thirteenth issue of Voyages SF magazine, placed Protazk within the Fakir sector. Given that this article was not released under Lucas Licensing's supervision, its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity was never officially affirmed. However, Jason Fry's The Hunt Within: Valance's Tale scenario series for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Miniatures, which was published on between December 2, 2004 and January 27, 2005, instead situated the planet within the Kwymar sector. The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book, then placed the Protazk system, and consequently Protazk itself, in grid square Q-4. The Online Companion to the book later validated the placement originating from The Hunt Within.